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Hey all! A warning beforehand: this series contains scenes with sexual abuse and rape, foul language, suicidal thoughts, alcohol addiction, torture and brutal murder.

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Blood crept through the deep-pile carpet like a river that had burst its banks and flooded a forest. That red river was coming from Casper's head.

Her best friend.

Dana stared at the blood. Her hands were shaking. She heard two voices in her mind screaming, the one said "Get the hell out of here" and the other "Stop the bleeding!". Both accompanied by a series of curses.

Casper's lips were moving, although there were no words he whispered to her. No apologies for being the biggest asshole in the world. The second biggest asshole in the world, she corrected herself.

Or was he trying to say something? Was that a faint whisper? She fell on her knees beside him. His eyes found hers.


She was distracted by the waterfall coming out of his head. When she looked in his eyes again, they stared lifelessly at her.

Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck.

The front door slammed.

Even more fucks.

She ran to the back door, grabbed the keys from the kitchen table and ran to the garage behind the house. With an immense effort, she pushed the big motorcycle outside, climbed on it – although it was way too high for her – and rode away.

Where the hell could she go to? There was only one place Dana could think of now.

Hours later she rolled in the parking lot in front of the Teller & Morrow garage. She took off her helmet and suddenly faced the curious glimpses of a dozen men. She took a deep breath and got off the bike.

There she was. Running from a criminal, with the death of her best friend on her conscience and in possession of a stolen bike that was worth more than a ton.

Good job, Dana.

And above all, she was hoping to find shelter by her brother, to whom five years ago she'd spitted out every curse her stupid twenty-year-old brain could think of.

They'd never spoken since.

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