134 • Juice

320 20 1

Juice was so engrossed with his game he startled when he felt two hands on his shoulders. He bent his head a little to the side so he was leaning against her arm, but he was too involved to forget about his game. That happened a minute later, when she started dotting kisses on his head and down along his neck. Hoping that something better than a virtual victory was waiting for him, he turned aside to look at her. 

"Mornin'," he greeted her. "Slept well?"

He had left the bed two hours ago, but Dana seemed to have discovered the art of sleeping in lately. She was dressed in a sundress and wore light make-up; all ready for a new day. 

"Hmm-hmm." She straddled on his lap, her face toward him. For a while she studied his face in silence, with a sweet smile around her lips. "Today it's half a year since we met." 

"It is?" Juice asked surprised. Remembering dates wasn't one of his talents and he was already trying not to forget about Dana's birthday within six weeks, but he could imagine the day she thought about now was the most important one in her life. The day she escaped Maddox. 

"Yep. It feels much longer."

Juice could only agree with it. It felt like he knew her at least half of his life. She bowed forward, stroked his cheek and brushed his lips with hers. Juice went along with an intense kiss, that promised him much more than a kiss alone. Excitement spread through his veins. They had been intimate last night, but every hour since, always felt like a day. 

Because he hadn't want to awake her, he was still wearing nothing but boxer shorts. Her hands glided down his chest and every single day he enjoyed her touches more and more. 

"I have a little surprise for you," she whispered, her voice steamy. 

At the moment there was only one surprise he was interested in, but he played along. "Hmm... Sounds exciting."

Her eyes made contact with his for a moment. "Actually it is."

He raised his eyebrows as her cheeks started to blush. As if she wanted to hide them, she nibbled his neck and dotted kissed downward. Across his chest, his stomach, across his navel further down, while gliding off his legs until she had crouched down between his legs. 

There she seemed to hesitate. Eventually she wrapped her fingers around the waistband of his boxers and pulled it down. Her fingers stroked his hard member and she looked up to him. 

He read the doubt in her eyes, and suddenly he realized what she was about to do. 

"You don't have to do that, baby. Really," he stressed. She had never satisfied him orally and he knew that was because of her past. He didn't want her to feel obliged to cross that line, only because they knew each other half a year. He was okay with it. 

"I want this," she said fiercely. "I have to do this. For myself."

"You don't have to do anything, baby," he told her, already trying to put his boxers back on. "That time is over."

She laid her hand upon his and looked at him. "Please, Juice." Her fingers caressed the inside of his thigh, until his groin, without her taking his eyes off  him. "I want you. All of you."

Her eyes were wide and expectantly, but they were lacking the lust that usually churned into it. He didn't know what else to say. If this meant another tie with Maddox would be cut, he could only cheer for that. 

"Okay baby," he whispered, all of a sudden nervous, afraid they would have to take ten steps back after this. 

Smiling at him, her fingers stroked him. Then ze bowed her head, pressing little kisses to his sensitive skin, exposing the tip. He breathed in deeply as her warm tongue glided across him. Hesitating, he raked a hand through her hair. His touch seemed to make her a bit more relaxed, her shoulders dropped. Her lips closed fully around him now and she took more and more of him inside her mouth. Her warmth was surrounding him, he felt her tongue brushing his skin as she sucked. 

"Oh fuck," he moaned as his lower body tensed. He brushed her hair out of her face so he could watch her. There never had been a day he didn't find her sexy, but seeing how she had taken him inside her mouth was one of the hottest things he had ever seen. 

"Oh, this feels so good, I love this so much," he whispered. "You're so fucking hot baby."

She looked up to him. The words seemed to chase away her fear. With more passion she kissed, caressed and sucked him, and Juice kept watching her until his muscles tensed in such an intensive way he stopped thinking. His fingers wrapped around her blonde hair because he had to grasp something and the excitement raging through his body made him gasp for breath. Only when his body started to shake and his orgasm cut off his breath, making his whole body tingle, he squeezed his eyes for a while. 

For a moment he hang back in his chair, trying to gain control of his breathing again. 

Dana climbed back on his lap and stroked his cheek. "I knew you would like it," she said with a smirk as he looked at her again. 

He enveloped his arms around her and pulled her close. "Never doubted that," he muttered. 

After a long hug, he kissed her. He didn't know what to say. 

"I wanted you to be fully mine, as I want to be fully yours," she said, as if she sensed he was lost for words. "The thought it had been someone else's lips who were  around you for the last time... and that you weren't the last one in my mouth..." She shrugged her shoulders. "I no longer wanted that. It felt like a last step to take. You get that?"

Juice hated the idea she had sucked someone else, so he understood her all too well. He hesitated. Should he ask something about her experiences? It wasn't the best time to ask, but was it ever? 

"The last one who... you know... was it Maddox?"

"I can't even remember. All those days, it felt like they were blurring." She sighed softly without looking at him, drawing circles on his chest.

Juice felt a pang in his stomach. "So there were more men who... who abused you?"

She bit her lip. Juice regretted his question immediately. 

"Every time I disobeyed him, ever since I had told him I wanted to leave , he punished me. He made me blow him or one of his friends – or clients, whatever they were. Sometimes more than ten in a night."

A silent tear rolled down her cheek. Juice wiped it away with his thumb. He swallowed, trying to fight off his own tears. "I'm so sorry for you."

She took a deep breath. "It's over now. And somehow – somehow I'm grateful he left it at that. He didn't allow them to touch me, I could only... touch them."

Juice pulled her in his arms again, burying his face in the crook between her neck and shoulders. Tears ran down his face, he could no longer stop them. He wished it had remained just that. But he knew she was raped by Maddox a countless times. 

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