026 • Juice

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Juice barely dared to move, afraid to wake her up. They were sitting on the ground for at least an hour and his back was hurting like hell. He couldn't look at his cell to see how late it was, for she still held his right hand and the other was on her shoulder. But as soon as she woke up, she must find it about time to return to TM. He wanted to postpone that moment as long as possible. He moved his head to the left, then to the right, pressed a kiss in her hair knowing she wouldn't feel it and let his head rest on hers again.

He closed his eyes, listened to her breathing and enjoyed the warmth that was swirling through his body. He didn't mind that she wasn't ready to go a step further. He'd slept with many women, but he'd never felt such a deep connection as with her. Sitting here with her, knowing that she felt safe in his arms... that meant much more than just having sex.

Somewhat later he felt her move. He sat up straight and she looked up to him.

"Have I fallen asleep?" she muttered.

"Just for a while," he lied.

She sat up straight too and rubbed her neck. "How late is it?"

He pulled his hand away from hers and picked up his phone. "Half past twelve."

"Crap." Leaning on his shoulder she stood up. "Man, I'm thirsty." She stretched her back and arms and walked to the kitchen.

Juice stretched out as well. He yawned and followed her. Dana had already taken a beer out of the fridge and handed it to him. He grabbed the opener from the countertop, popped off the cap and took a drink. He could handle one more.

"Can't believe I've fallen asleep," she sighed. She leaned against the sink. "Why didn't you wake me up?"

"You looked so sweet."

She rolled her eyes, but he saw her cheeks turn red. She must have noticed too, for she turned her head to the right and looked through the window.

Juice startled when the bottle slid off her hand and smashed on the ground. Beer spatted on his leg. Dana didn't react, she kept staring outside. She'd clenched her fist and was shaking.

"Dane?" he asked alarmed. "What's goin' on?"

He stood next to her and gazed into the dark.

"That black car... there're people in it. It already stood there when Chibs dropped me off." She grabbed his hand and squeezed it firmly. "They're watchin' you!" The fear that was about to tear her face, made his heart shrink.

"Easy," he hushed.

Her eyes widened and she gasped for air.

"Dana..." he said when he realized he wasn't getting through her. "Hey..." He put his bottle on the countertop and cupped her face with both his hands. "Hey.... easy. They're cops. Keepin' an eye on me since this afternoon. Has nothin' to do with you."

He brushed her cheeks with his thumbs and looked her in the eye. Her face relaxed a little, but she still breathed shockingly.

"I... I don't get it. How... how can you be so sure?"

"Because it's Hale. Okay? The deputy. Had to get some stuff outta town and they were tailin' me. So I went home and now they're waitin' 'till I finish the job."

Actually, he'd thought they would long be gone. Dana's visit was a good cover, a good reason why he hadn't returned to TM. He didn't doubt that had been Chibs' intention, and the fact that he'd sent Dana instead of a random Croweater was surely the result of their conversation at Tig's birthday party.

"I... Are you sure? Why..." She couldn't put the words together and started to cry.

Juice pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her. She'd kept herself together for so long, but today he'd seen that she was broken, that fear ruled her life.

"Yea, I'm sure," he answered. His hand raked through her hair. "But if it makes you feel more comfortable we can walk to them?"

He felt how she froze in his arms. "No," she muttered against his chest. "Stay here. Please stay here."

"Okay," he said softly. "I will."

Carefully he pushed her a little back so that she wouldn't step into the glass. She needed a few seconds to get herself back together again, wiping her tears away.

"Sorry. I'm such a wreck today." Ashamed she stared at her feet.

He lifted her chin, looking her in the eyes. "That's okay." He hesitated for a moment. "I'm glad you dare to be yourself when you're with me. That you're not acting like everything's fine."

He caught a glimpse of an uncertain smile, where after she wiped away the smudged mascara beneath her eyes.

"You want me to bring you back to TM? Or do you want to sleep here? That's fine. I'll take the couch."

"No... I can't let you sleep on the couch!"

"I've slept at stranger places."

She laughed softly, still a bit sniffing. "Bet ya have a double bed, right?"

He studied her face and nodded.

"Wel... If you don't mind sharing it..."

"Of course I don't mind. Will be more comfortable than sleeping in front of the table."

A smile appeared on her face and she hugged him tightly. "You're way too sweet," she whispered when she stepped back. For a moment her arms rested around his neck. They looked at each other, he felt his heart hammering in his chest. Suddenly the hope flamed up that she wanted to kiss him after all, but then she turned her face away and let go of him.

Juice tried to push away the disappointment. He wanted to be patient, but deep down he was afraid she would eventually just consider him as a good friend. Just as Opie and Half-Sack.

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