035 • Juice

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When Juice finished his last slice of pizza, he wiped his mouth and hands with a napkin and leaned back on his elbows in the grass. His Beretta pushed in his back. He took the gun away, dropped it on the ground, took off his cut and threw it over the weapon. 

"You're already strippin'?"

He leaned back in the grass again. "Hope it makes you hungrier."

"Maybe you should take off your shirt as well ."

He chuckled. "Maybe I should help you finish your pizza. Must be cold by now."

"Think it'll warm up too if you put out your shirt."

"Then why don't you give me a hand?"

She shook her head. "You've a big mouth today, don't you?"

"Says who? Think we're a good fit."

She laughed and turned her head away, looking at the drive-in. 

She was playing with him. Of course he knew that, and it turned him on. He acted like he wasn't dying of impatience, stretched himself out in the grass, with a hand beneath the back of his head. He closed his eyes. The sun was shining behind them, but now he was lying, it still warmed his face. 

He was glad he'd taken her to this place. He loved his brothers, but he was happy none of them was around to make fun of him now. 

A shadow fell over his face. "Ya waitin' 'till I wake you with a kiss?"


He felt a pressure against the side of his left leg and he opened his eyes after all. On both sides of him she'd placed a knee, and she lowered herself on his lap. He wanted to sit straight, but she put her hands against his chest and pushed him back against the ground. He licked his lips, that suddenly felt dry. Every muscle in his body tensed, and he just hoped his excitement, on which she was practically sitting, wouldn't scare her away. She placed her left hand next to his head in the grass, with the other she brushed his cheek. 

Her eyes shone expectantly, and she closed them when her lips touched his. He did the same,  catching her kisses and answering them. His midriff contracted, desire was filling him from top to toe when their tongues found and probed each other, quietly, registering every touch and movement. He put his hands on both sides of her body, gliding up. He felt how she held her breath when his fingers ran over the curves of her breasts, and she breathed out when they spread over her shoulders, her neck, to ultimately disappear in her hair. 

While tasting her lips, he elevated his right knee and pushed her aside, so that they rolled over. For a moment their lips were apart, and he used that to check if she didn't mind that he was on top. 

She looked at him, a beautiful smile adorned her face. There was no way he could not bring back his lips to hers. From the corner of her mouth he trailed kisses across her jaw, and his lips strayed over her neck when she exposed the skin there to him, turning her head to the right while softly sighing. Her hands found their way under his shirt, caressing his stomach, his back. A shudder shot through his body. His own fingers were burning, craving to glide under her top. He however resisted the urge, and brought his lips to her ear. 

"Now we've left the first base..." he whispered. "My name is Juan Carlos."

One hand left his chest, and she placed it on his cheek. She forced his face to the left, so she could look him in the eye. Her fingers brushed  his lips. 

"Well... Juan Carlos... Then I think it's 'bout time I admit that Cherry was right. I don't just like you a little, I am crazy in love with you."

The way she pronounced his name, made all the hairs on his arms stand up straight. He planted a kiss on her lips, then on her nose and her forehead. 

"I know ya wanna build up things slow," he said, his voice soft. He stared in her eyes for a few seconds. "But I really hope you wanna be my girl one day."

For a moment he thought to see a tear shimmer in her eyes. Then she sat up straight, put her arms around his neck and gave him a hot, almost greedy kiss. 

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