043 • Juice

978 43 2

The gunshot resonated through his body. He just stood there, rooted to the spot. Dana! There was no way this had nothing to do with her. Around him sounded screams, people tried to push him aside. 

The girl he was stuck with, pulled his arm, sobbing. Juice tore himself away, snapped she had to wait at the parking place and moved into the panicking crowd. Just to be sure he drew his own Beretta, not caring about the people around him who only became wilder. 

His heart raced in his chest while he tried to calm down. The fear that something had happened to her, blurred his vision. She had to be close, a few minutes ago he'd been with her. 

"What happened?" Jax showed up next to him, a gun in his hand. 

Juice grimaced, assuming Jax would understand he didn't know. His shoulder bashed someone's face when he looked backward, and he felt a nose breaking. He didn't care and marched on. 

The row of graves they'd stand in front of a while a go, came into view. He froze when he saw a body on the ground. He started the run, but quickly discovered it was a man who wasn't wearing a cut.

The man had been shot in the head from close, a part of his face was blown away. Juice felt his shoulders relax a bit, though he was still nervous. Where was Dana now? Had there been more men, and could Opie only take down one of them? 

Juice cursed himself. He should have stayed closer. The last two nights he'd had nightmares about this day, he'd been terrified Dana's ex would be waiting for her. And what had he done with it? Not a damn thing. It had been a damn warning and he'd lost sight of her. Panic squeezed his throat, he could barely breathe and the fear waved through his body. 

"Hey, calm down." Jax grabbed his lower arm, caught his glance and kept looking in his eyes. "Easy. We'll find her. Bet Ope took her to a safe place."

Juice breathed shakily. It felt like there was no oxygen in the air. 

"Come on, put that thing away." Jax gestured at the Beretta. "We don't want people to think we were the ones shooting, do we?"

Juice put his gun behind his waistband and took a few deep breaths.

"We gonna find the others, a'ight?"

Juice realized he was nodding, even though it wasn't a conscious act. They rushed to the exit. On their way they encountered some other Sons, who'd been attracted to the commotion as well. With a rapid hand gesture Jax ordered them to the entrance.

His nerves almost broke down when Juice arrived at the parking place. Everybody was there – except Opie and Dana. 

Oh shit man. Oh shit! Distraught his hands glided over his head. With shaking fingers he touched in his pockets, but there was no joint and he really needed one to clear his mind.  

He paced up and down the sidewalk, trying to call Opie and her, but got no answer. Happy stood a few meters away from them, trying to calm down some family members, her family members, and Juice doubted he knew Dana had disappeared. It took a lot of effort not to run at the man, to scream he had to find his sister. Luckily his brains were working good enough to see that would only cause trouble when she was not in immediate danger.

"Nobody's seen anythin'?" he asked when Jax had asked around.

Jax shook his head. "The pigs will be here soon." He raked a hand through his blond hair. "What a fucking mess." He pressed his phone against his ear again, but Juice already knew nobody would answer.

Juice turned around. The waiting made him sick. "I start lookin' at the graveyard. Call me when ya know somethin'."

Jax seemed to consider his words, but Juice didn't give him time to make a decision. He'd already done that. He had to do something, he needed the feeling he was trying to help her. He didn't care he would be at a crime scene while the cops were on their way. 

As long as he found Dana.

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