071 • Happy

716 29 8

Their group consisted of five men. It was a good number, the situation would be manageable. The house they would invade was situated in the center of the city. It was the building in which Dana had been locked up, and Happy had the feeling the motherfucker was still living there. As if her pain and sadness were still wandering around like a ghost, providing him with energy. Happy wanted to see that place with his own eyes. He wanted to know where her tears had fallen, where her cries had echoed, so that he would never forget what that asshole had done to her. 

As soon as they went down the street the house was on, he glanced briefly at his four brothers. They were tough guys who wouldn't freak out when snipers would let their bullets fly. Tig was his only brother from Charming, the others were from Tacoma, where he had spent quite some time before he'd transferred to Charming. He'd hung out with Kozik for years and he couldn't think of anyone he'd rather have on his side. He kept a cool head in whatever situation, and contrary to Happy himself he never lost himself in violence. 

Kozik was the only one who'd met Dana before she ran into Maddox' arms, even though it nearly costed his life. Happy had found the two of them elf years ago in her bedroom, kissing, his hands already underneath her shirt. He'd sliced and diced him so badly he'd spent three days on the ICU. The beat-up had led to a long period of validation, since Happy had broken both of his arms and legs, and a scar above his right eye was still a witness of the whacking. 

Kozik had never reported the assault and after he'd sworn to touch Dana never again, they'd shaken hands. Happy had never truly forgiven his friend for trying to get his little sister in bed, but they'd been through so much together he couldn't stay mad forever. There was even regret that started to eat him now. If he hadn't intervened when the fifteen year older biker had touched her, would his sister have gone after him instead of Maddox? Kozik would have broken her heart, but he would never have treated her like Maddox had done. 

Happy focused on his surroundings again. This wasn't the moment to get lost in thoughts. The rumbling of their bikes filled the street. His eyes were glued to the skylights, looking for the shooters his martyr had talked about. They were all wearing a bullet proof vest and a helmet, but he couldn't rely solely on that. They had no clue with what artillery their opponents were equipped. 

They stood still in front of a large freestanding house. The front yard was well maintained and there wasn't a wrought iron fence that surrounded the place, as he'd seen at many of the other houses. There was no indication it was a criminal who was living here. This however was the only address Dana had been able to confirm. It had to be here. 

He got off his bike and took the machine gun he'd tested this morning. He wasn't about to take any risk and he wouldn't rely on a single bullet. 

Inside the house was a light which brightness was constantly changing. Was somebody watching TV? He exchanged a look with Kozik, who'd got off his bike as well. None of this felt right. There still was no sign of the snipers. 

They first tried the front door, then they walked to the back of the house and arrived at the back door. That was open. For a moment he imagined how Dana had opened that door, how she'd looked over her shoulder in fear before she ran to the garage. For a split second he felt a lump in his throat. He breathed in deeply, blew out his breath with force and entered the house. Tig, Kozik and one of his Tacoma brothers followed him, the last one stayed at the door and gestured he would stand guard. Happy nodded, held a firm grip on the KG-9 and crossed the pantry. Farther away in the house sounded laughter – tinny, coming from a comedy show. 

He briefly looked over his shoulder when someone's shoe caused a squeaking sound. It was more of a reflex than that it really bothered him; he wasn't moving very carefully either. A few steps later he reached the kitchen, and a few seconds later he could view the living room. 

He froze immediately. 

"The fuck," he grunted. 

Two meters away from the tv sat a man, bounded to a chair. His head was leaning over. Happy strode to the victim. From the side he grabbed the man's chin and turned his face to have a better look. 

Next to him Tig cursed loudly. 

Happy's jaws tensed. He'd seen lots of gruesome murders – he'd even carried out a great deal himself  –  but this time he hadn't been prepared for it at all. Blood was dripping from the face, coming from two empty eye sockets. A second later he distinguished both of the eyeballs on the ground, together with a knife. 

He had not the slightest idea what this was supposed to mean, but the blood was still wet. Maddox's still here. 

Kozik elbowed his side. "It's a cop."

The shoulders and chest were drenched in so much blood Happy hadn't noticed yet, but now he recognized the blue emblem with the eagle and the imprint 'San Francisco Police' above it. 

"Oh shit man..." Tig muttered. "This ain't good man." He strode to the window and shoved the curtain to the side. "It's a fucking set-up."

Right at that moment, the back door was swung open, followed by the noise of hurried footsteps. Happy's eyes shot to the window, there were flashing lights now. 

What a fucking mess. 

Everything happened so fast his brain could barely process it. Suddenly cops swarmed inside from two directions. He didn't know who started the fight, but bullets were flying everywhere and he felt two hits in his back. Thank god he was wearing a bullet proof vest. 

Not everyone was that lucky. Right next to him Kozik dropped on his knees, pushing a hand against his bleeding neck. 

"Fuck," Happy grunted. Let's hope it's not his carotid. He stepped in front of his fallen brother in a protective position and let his automatic gun rattle until all cops had taken cover. 

"Put down your weapons!" somebody yelled from behind a wall. 

With his guts in a knot Happy glanced over his shoulder. If there was still a chance that Kozik would survive this, he got to get to a hospital immediately. "An ambulance!" he yelled back. "Call an ambulance!"

He exchanged a look with Tig, who nodded with a grim face. Happy laid down his gun. They had no choice. The three of them wouldn't stand a chance against a full police department and he wasn't going to be killed by a pig. Not as long as Dana was still in danger. 

And she was. 

Now more than ever.

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