027 • Dana

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A little uncomfortable Dana climbed the stairs, just behind Juice. She already started to regret her decision to spend the night here. Her fear had faded away, and she thought she'd dare to go outside. Backing off was however strange as well since she hadn't a very good reason for it. She wasn't afraid Juice would try something tonight, maybe she was more afraid of herself: that she would crawl into his arms when she was drowsy, after which one thing would lead to the other.

On the landing, Juice turned the light on. A hall with three doors became visible, and she followed Juice to the room right in front of the stairs. He swung open the door and entered his dorm. It was a bit chilly, the window was open, and the bed was made.

A little hesitating she kept staying in the doorway. This is really weird. She tried to get over it. A few days ago you were with Jax in a bed, and you never found that weird. The only difference is that you won't see him naked.

Which is too bad, actually.

She pushed away the thought. Juice had opened his wardrobe and threw a shirt at her.

"Wanna take a shower? Then I'll get you a towel too."

"Tomorrow morning, if that's okay?"

He shrugged. "Fine by me."

Dana raked a hand through her hair. That would be full of knots tomorrow, and she doubted there was a hairbrush in his apartment. He didn't need that with his short-cropped hair. She grabbed the T-shirt from the bed and hesitated. He'd seen her in her underwear not so long ago, so her hesitation was a bit of an overreaction, but still...

She felt her cheeks brush when he took off his shirt. As she'd expected, he had a muscular body. Not too much, just... right. On his chest flaunted two skulls, one white and one dark. Beneath the first stood 'Son', beneath the other 'Shine'.

Of course he had to look up at the moment that she was admiring his body. Dana felt her mouth run dry. And I have to lay next to that perfect body, without touching it? Sleeping on the couch suddenly sounded very tempting.

She murmured the word "bathroom" and sneaked out of the room. Behind the closed door, she undressed and put on Juice's shirt. The sleeves fell over her elbows and the fabric barely covered her ass.

She rapidly missed her own stuff. With a piece of toilet paper, she tried to get her make-up off her face, which didn't work out very well. Neither did she have a toothbrush, nor her own deodorant. She took Juice's can and sprayed her armpits. Better than nothing.

With her small pile of clothes, she returned to the dorm, not knowing where to put them.

What does that matter? As if you'd think about that when you were with someone else.

She however hadn't been in a place that was so organized and cleaned up. She put them on the ground next to the side of the bed she thought was hers and turned to Juice. He sat on the edge of the bed, in his boxers, doing stuff on his phone.

"You got an extra toothbrush?"

"Yea... I do." He stood up, led her to the bathroom and knelt before the cabinet under the washbasin.

Dana looked at the arching of his back, surprised it wasn't covered with tattoos.

He got up again, opened a pack of two toothbrushes and gave her one.

"Unexpected guests aren't uncommon here?" she chuckled.

"They are, actually. But ya never know." He smirked. "Though I usually sleep at the clubhouse anyway."

"Why's that?" she asked, twisting off the cap of the toothpaste. "You have a great apartment."

He shrugged. "Don't like to be alone. Rather have people around."

She understood why; SAMCRO was just one big family. She however would love to have her own place, her own stuff. It however was hard to imagine when she could really have her own apartment. As long as Maddox was breathing, that would probably never happen. Matter of fact, she didn't even know if the club was still looking for him. She hoped they didn't, although she couldn't imagine Happy was satisfied with that.

She was still waiting for the bomb to drop.

She bowed a little forward to spit out the toothpaste and rinsed her mouth. Then she made room for Juice, who'd waited two steps away from here. She went to the dorm room, lifted the blanket and glided under it.

Not much later she heard his footsteps across the lamination. He turned off the light and she felt the blankets move.

"Good night."

"Good night," she repeated. She turned her back to him and closed her eyes.

It took a long time before she fell asleep.

The curtains weren't fully closed, because of which a streak of early sunlight fell on her face. Dana needed a few seconds to realize where she was. Immediately she felt a knot in her gut. She turned around, as quietly as she could.

Juice was still sleeping. With his face towards her, but on the far end of the bed. The blanket had slid down beneath his chest. Her lips curled up in a smile. How cute. For a while, she kept looking at him until her eyelids fell down again.

When she woke up again, the bed was empty. She sat up and looked around.

"Mornin'," Juice greeted, who was buttoning his pants. When he was finished, he pulled down his white SAMCRO shirt a little. "I tried not to wake you up."

"Never mind." She yawned behind her hand, sat up straight and stretched.

"It's still early. Could pick ya up when I take a coffee break?"

"Nah, it's fine. I'll take a shower, be bright and early in a minute." She pulled back the covers, slipped out of bed and pulled down her T-shirt. "Are we late?" Not that she was about to take a very long shower, but it would be helpful to know.

"Nah, half an hour before we gotta go."

Juice handed her a towel and Dana picked up her clothes from yesterday. A few moments later she was in the bathroom. She would love to wash her hair, but as expected she couldn't find a hairbrush or a comb and she didn't found it important enough to ask him. She took off the scrunchie from her wrist, put her hair in a messy bun and decided to wash her hair tonight and take a quick shower now.

She'd just undressed when she heard a gunshot, followed by a loud scream.

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