060 • Dana

850 38 2

Dana felt a stab of pain in her stomach. In a reflex she pushed her elbow against her belly, as if that would change anything. At least he's honest. 

"My ex was a junk, and we were always fightin'. So yeah, sometimes I cheated on her. As did she, by the way."

Dana observed his face. He clearly wasn't proud of it. 

"But you don't have to worry about that. What I feel for you, is completely different from what I felt for her."

Dana rolled her eyes. "Come on, Juice. How many women have you told this?"

Did he really think she was that naive? She knew it was a matter of time before he started to get bored. She'd even heard there were club rules justifying cheating, when they were on a run. She however wasn't in the mood to discuss that topic. She'd made her point today. He knew he would lose her if he ever pulled a stunt like that. 

"I told no one, I think," he answered calmly. "The ones I slept with, knew it was only sex I was interested in. But you're no Croweater, Dane, and Happy would fillet me if I treated you like one. And I guess he's not the only one. They all love you."

She chuckled when she heard pride seeping into his voice.  Even though most girls would consider it an honor to call themselves an old lady, Juice rather created the impression it was the other way around. 

"Did they like your ex?"

Juice chuckled softly. "Not really." He pulled her back against his chest. With his fingertips he brushed her skin, downwards from her shoulders. "I just patched in. Opie and Jax both had a girl and I think that was the reason I wanted one too. Flaunting a girl who'd more to offer than big tits. It was never really serious. Sure, we had fun, and I thought that was enough. Of course I was wrong. In fact we had a hard time talkin' to each other and I don't think we ever really understood each other. But I didn't want to give up my first old lady, and we wasted too much time putting out fires instead of accepting we weren't made for each other. It was so much trouble I was done with serious relationships after we broke up."

Dana laced the fingers of her right hand between his. "It's hard to imagine. You seem to talk about what's on your mind pretty easily."

"Not then, I think." She felt he shrugged his shoulders. "Talking to you was never difficult, as soon as we'd gotten to know each other a little." He squeezed her hand. "I knew I wanted you. Not for a night, for longer. As if you were the girl I was looking for five years ago. I don't know exactly... It just played out this way."

"Hmm yeah... a love speech in the middle of the night, right after my mom's funeral, that was very casual. Just like asking someone out when you're in bed with a bullet wound in your ass. You have a wonderful sense of timing."

He chuckled. She felt his chest move against her upper back. "Wait till I propose."

"I sure as hell hope to wait on that a little longer," she answered with raised eyebrows. "Dana Ortiz... I don't know if I like the sound of that."

"Hmm, I think it sounds sexy."

"You even find your own name sexy, Juan Carlos. You never sounded so steamy as that time you whispered your name in my ear."

"It's even more exciting if you say it." With his free hand he swept her hair away from her left shoulder, so he could dot kisses on her neck, until the spot it tickled, causing goosebumps again. 

Her pelvic floor tensed and she closed her eyes. His right hand let go of hers and slipped under her shirt, caressed her stomach and moved up painfully slow. Dana was aware of every inch his fingers moved and she bit her lip when his hand glided into the cup around her left breast. Her own hand stroked his right upper leg, and she squeezed it when his finger slowly circled around her stiff nipple. 

She sighed shakily when her thoughts commuted between the massaging movements of his hand, and his lips and tongue that kept moving from her shoulder to her ear. She sat up a little straighter, and immediately his second hand moved underneath her shirt and unhooked the clasp of her bra. With both hands he held her breasts. Tinglings spread from her chest to the rest of her body, she even felt them in her toes. She arched her back, felt his torso against her while his breathing tickled her auricle. His manhood pressed against her tailbone and she sucked in oxygen. All those things he could do with his fingers, his lips, his tongue... She couldn't remember she'd ever longed for a man so desperately. 

She took off her shirt, let the bra slid from her arms and turned around. Lust flamed in his brown eyes, but not in a frightening way. She knew for sure her own eyes expressed the same passion. She stroked his head, pushed it a little down so she could kiss the ink atop of it. She got the feeling she could burst any moment when he closed his mouth around her nipple and started to suck. She gasped for breath, and a soft moan escaped her lips. With her hands she glided down his shoulders, kneaded the muscles, buried her nails in his skin when a pleasant pain shot through her nipples as soon as they became too sensitive. 

If this is your way to make things right, I'm going to regret you send away that slut. The words were on the tip of her tongue, but all she did was heaving a satisfied sigh. 

The last thing she wanted, was making him stop. 

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