055 • Dana

883 38 2

Dana let her hand rest on Juice's hip when she climbed off his Harley. She loosened the strap of her helmet, took the thing off her head and hung it on the handlebar. While she was doing so, his index fingers slipped through the belt loops of her jeans, pulling her close.

"Are we good?"

She looked up at him. His eyes expressed the same uncertainty. When he looked that way, it was hard to stay angry. Especially with the thought that that stupid bitch had wanted them to fight. The message that she would never accept things like this, had at least landed. 

"Good enough for not wanting my brother to emasculate you."

He couldn't laugh about it – and it hadn't entirely been a joke. The most important reason why she wanted to act like everything was fine, was to prevent Happy from getting involved. Juice clearly felt that.

"You're getting off way too easy if I forgive you already."

The way in which his shoulders dropped, was actually enough to forgive him. 

"I've felt like shit all day."

Her lips curled up. "Good." She wrapped her arms around him. Her hands slipped into his back pockets. She pulled him close, and almost immediately she felt his hard length pressing against her pubis. "From now on this little friend of yours is mine alone. You got that?"

"Little friend?" he asked indignantly. 

She squeezed her hands by way of a warning. "I've the right to call him whatever I want."

He chuckled softly. "As you wish, Mistress."

Her lips wandered along his neck, softly biting his skin while she squeezed his ass. A pang of sudden lust made her hiss. 

"You done?" A crude voice made her pull back her hands and she chuckled when she turned around. 

"I wanna see porn, I go inside." With a face like thunder Happy nodded to the building a few meters away from them. 

"If you consider this to be porn, I wonder with what kind of video's you earn your money."

Happy snorted. "Let's go. The idiot stays here."

After what had happened today, she didn't like the idea of making Juice wait inside a porn studio, but she wouldn't win a discussion with Happy. Plus, the club owned part of the studio, whether she liked it or not. 

Dana pecked Juice's lips. "Don't forget what I said, huh?"

"I'll wait outside." He gave her a wink.

Dana smiled, she appreciated that. She watched how he walked away, lighting up a smoke on his way to Kip. Their friend leaned against the doorway of the entrance, looking inside with a grin on his face. 

Waiting outside, huh? Dana thought, shaking her head. Yeah right, tell me another one. 

She tore her glance away from him and looked at her brother. When their eyes met, he turned away from her and walked down a path leading around Cara Cara. 

A bit awkward Dana followed him. She'd barely been alone with him, she realized. Even during the preparations for their mother's funeral Opie had been close all the time. Did he miss spending time with her? Was that the reason he'd sent Juice away?

Happy took her to a remote open field where a few empty oil drums were lying around. Some were riddled with bullet holes, she clearly wasn't the first to practice here. Happy pulled up two guns, one out of his waist band and the other out of the inside pocket of his cut. 

"You keep this one close, wherever you go," he said, pushing the small gun into her hands. "Get yourself a purse. That idiot is way too handsy, keep it away from your body. He already..."

"I was there when he shot himself," she reminded him. If he was going to make more of these derogatory comments about Juice, she was quickly done with this.

Happy snorted, but seemed to get the message. 

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