081 • Juice

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Juice splashed cold water in his face and looked into the mirror. He smirked by the sight of the purple spots in his neck. When he'd waken up all alone he'd been afraid their love making had only taken place in his dreams, but this proved the opposite. He however did wonder why Dana had already left the room. Had she regretted their intimacy? No, he shook off that thought. He knew she'd enjoyed it, just as much as he. But now matter how great the sex had been, it couldn't solve their problems. She must have became aware of that too. 

He dressed himself and walked to the canteen. The smell of coffee greeted him and he smiled when he saw her. She was standing on her toes to take glasses out of the cupboard, wearing one of his T-shirts.

"Hey baby," he said softly, kissing her cheek. "You're up early."

She put the glasses down on the counter top, turned around and slipped her arms around him. Her eyes rested in his, and he felt his stomach turn when he sensed her doubts. Or was it grief, fear? No, he believed it was something else.

She cupped his cheek with her hand and gave him a kiss. "I talked to Jax." She looked him in the eye again and he could almost hear her think. Did she want to share the content of that conversation with him or not? Was their argument yesterday the reason she didn't tell him what she had told Jax? Did she think he was a coward? 

"About what?" His voice sounded more heated than he meant to.

She however didn't step away from him. "About what I think is the wisest thing to do." She sighed. "And that's not playing the tough, so-called untouchable gangsters again."

"That just how we..."

"I know, Juice." She sighed again. "But this ain't an enemy you've faced before and you should at least consider a different approach. There will be two empty chairs around the table, while you haven't even harmed Maddox at all. I know you want your revenge and I know you want me to live a normal life again, but that can't result in the downfall of your club. Maddox just isn't worth it."

"So you want us to give up?"

"No, dummy, of course not." She gave him another soft kiss. "I just want you to do this differently than storming into danger again. Hopefully Jax will explain my plan later." She looked him straight in the eyes. "But please, let others believe this wasn't my idea."


His girl wasn't just beautiful, she also was smart, Juice realized when Jax later that morning summarized Dana's suggestions without telling them she'd been the one suggesting them. It sounded good, but he didn't like the idea they would lure Maddox's men in a more passive way. It would be a hell of a job to investigate all the incoming and outgoing telephone traffic, but with help of the area code he could leave a lot of the messages out and he would put a prospect on it. 

For now they agreed not to organize another assault before they knew more about Maddox's activities and contacts. How Happy would react on their decision, was hard to predict. Not that they were able to contact him; the guys had been sent to San Quentin without any kind of trial. Visiting them was way too risky: they had no idea how trustworthy the guards were. They could easily be stabbed in the back when going near that prison. The fact that they'd end up behind bars without the chance to defend themselves in court, showed that Maddox's influence reached even into the legal system. An oppressive thought, and Juice wondered if that had happened just as easy if they hadn't been outlaws. Contact was probably restricted to phone calls –  if that was even allowed – and all their hopes for the protection of their brothers laid in the hands of Happy's mysterious old man. Juice had searched for other acquaintances or members of their alleys in San Quentin, but there hadn't been a single one. 

At the end of their meeting Juice's phone started buzzing. A single look at the screen told him it was one of Lee's man. "SAMTAC."

Clay gestured he could take the call and Juice swallowed his nerves. It was surely news about Kozik.  Dana hadn't said much about his brother, but the expression on her face had told him she cared about him. If he would disappear from her life too...

And not only from her life. He liked Kozik. He had a bright personality, he was always relaxed and more patient than most of his brothers. There had been periods Kozik hung out with them and the idea that would happen never again, caused a heavy feeling in his chest. 

He muttered a greeting and awaited the news.

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