068 • Juice

741 31 1

For a moment Juice wondered how the hell Happy would react if he would storm into the apartment now with news about Maddox that couldn't wait. Playing strip poker while they were on guard would surely lead to a blow to the skull. And his little sister was sitting half naked on the couch next to him, her pants and socks already on the ground. 

Still he liked the current situation and he found it more important that he stayed sober. He could gun down an intruder perfectly well, whether he was fully clothed or only in his boxers. Perhaps it was wrong, but he didn't want to think about the danger that surrounded Dana all time. The moments she could let go of the fear were golden, and he knew for sure she was having fun right now. 

With a grin he looked at her. She'd just won a round – actually she was pretty good in the game – and she was taking off Cherry's top. He didn't know what was happening between those two girls, but it turned him on to watch them undress each other. His thoughts went back to Cherry's words and he pictured a threesome. He didn't feel the longing to do something with Cherry himself – even though she surely was beautiful – but the influence those girls had on each other was just sexy as hell. 

He glanced at Sack, who watched the two with an amused smirk as well. No way his thoughts didn't follow the same pattern, and the thought of that made him clench his teeth. Of course that was hypocrite, but he couldn't help it. The idea that others were mentally unclothing his girl just made him mad, even if it was Sack, who would never touch her if she didn't want him to. Not only because he would lose his chance on a full patch forever, but also because he respected Dana. 

Dana dropped down on the couch again and Cherry bend over to pick up the cards to shuffle them. The lower parts of her cups were inlaid with black stones that reflected the dim light. Even though he'd planned to undress Dana himself tonight, he was getting curious to the lingerie she was wearing. He'd been at work when she got up this morning and she was now wearing a long green blouse that fell over her hips, so that he didn't even know what panties she was wearing. The few things he'd seen up to now hadn't been disappointing at all and...

"Hey, dreamer." Dana poked his side. "Take a look at your cards."

Sack chuckled. "Since he heard the word threesome his thoughts aren't with the game at all."

Cherry raised her eyebrows. "And yours are? You are the only one who's wearing a shirt nor pants."

"I just like being undressed by you two."

It wasn't as if Sack had a lot to hide. He even pulled down his pants to show his mutilated ball by way of an introduction. 

Cherry squeezed her eyes a little. "Now I think about it... you don't let us win, right? If I remember well you haven't taken off a single piece."

"I took out Dana's shoes," Sack defended himself. "And your socks." He pulled a face.

Juice watched his cards. Two sevens, a nine, a king and an ace. This time he neither was going to be a winner. "Then give me cards that don't suck, for once."

"Here, take mine." With a smirk Dana shoved her pile to the side, right when he wanted to discard the nine. Before he could pick them up, she pulled his play cards out of his hands. She moved a little closer to him and laid her head on his shoulder while he watched the cards. Three queens, a ten and a jack. 

"Well, you know what you give away," he muttered. 

"Uh-uh." Her lips gently touched his ear as she whispered: "I wanna be your price."

His body tensed when hearing her sensual voice, and since he was only wearing his boxer everybody could see that. It took all of his willpower not to pull her on his lap  to make out immediately. 

"Then you better hope for the queen of spades or a joker."

He discarded the ten and took a new card. A five. 

Dana threw away a card when it was her turn, took a new one and shove it between his cards, a mischievous look in her eyes. It was a joker, he noticed, and she picked the jack from between his fingers. 

"Aren't they cute?" Cherry asked, looking at Sack. "There was a time you were blushing too when I acted like that."

Juice suppressed the urge to touch his cheeks. No, he wasn't red, right? 

"Nah, think that was just your imagination," Sack answered with a wolfish grin, which earned him a slap in the face. "This is the only way you get my cheeks red," he muttered, rubbing his face.

"Just play a card," Cherry insisted, wearing a sour face now. 

"I pass. If I get in the way of Juice's fun now I have to scrub toilets for a month."

Cherry watched his cards, removed two of them and added them to her own pile. "I know a little about cheating too. Maybe I neither can wait to take Dana's blouse off." She turned around her cards. "Full house."

Dana pulled the cards out of his hand and laid them down one by one. "We have four of a kind."

"We? Really?" Cherry shook her head. "Well sweethearts, do your thing. Make me wet."

"Shut up," Dana chuckled, throwing her pants to Cherry who caught them out of the air with a chuckle. 

Dana climbed on Juice's lap, a knee on both sides of him. His breathing became more heavy when she lowered herself a little, until his erection pushed against her soft flesh, only separated by two very thin pieces of fabric. His fingers were trembling because of the desire that was racing through his body. Man, he wanted her so badly. Right here, right now. He didn't care the others were around. He pushed through the nebulae that were clouding his head and started with the top button. 

He felt that she was watching him and looked up. Her lips moved away from each other, showing the typical little gap between her front teeth. Her eyes were dark with lust and he kept looking at her while his fingers lowered down, fumbling with the buttons. He felt her chest rise and fall while she breathed. The back of his index fingers glided down her warm skin while he opened up the buttons one by one. 

However magical her eyes were, his glance wandered downwards. She was wearing a black and red bra, the upper part was covered with lace. Her breasts fitted in perfectly and his fingers slid down the edges. 

"As if they're doing this for the very first time," Cherry chuckled, somewhere far away.

We do. But he didn't say it out loud and continued to unbutton her blouse, looking up to Dana again and seeing the flaming desire in her eyes that was messing with his head since the day they met. 

When he reached the last button, he pushed the fabric off her shoulders. His own T-shirt followed. Her fingers brushed the tattoos on his chest, traced the letters beneath the smileys. 

"I suggest we take a break from the game," he muttered, before he bowed his head and claimed her lips. 

In the background he heard Cherry whistle, then footsteps sounded and a door was closed. His hands wandered across her back, across her buns. With both hands he held them while pulling her closer without his tongue losing contact with hers. 

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