052 • Dana

886 37 4

Dana smashed the pile of papers on the table in the annex of the garage. She leaned with her hands on the table and took a few deep breaths. What made her think Juice was different from all the others? Because he didn't want to have sex immediately? Apparently other women were satisfying his needs, and he just found her too gross to touch. 

Behind her a door opened. She kept staring at the table top, convinced she would start to cry or throw things around if she didn't. 

"Chloe? What's goin' on, sweetheart?"

Dana clenched her teeth. She'd hoped it was just a mechanic who'd step in to take a folder out of the cabinet, not Gemma who wouldn't act as if everything was all right. She took another deep breath, tried to relax her fingers and looked over her shoulder. "I'm fine," she muttered. 

"Doesn't look like it."

Dana snorted. "We buried my mom yesterday."

The woman didn't buy it. She went over and stood next to her, leaning with her bottom against the table. "That ain't the reason you wanna work here."

Again she clenched her teeth. There was no use in sharing her disappointment. The last thing she wanted, was listening to Gemma's explanation that all the men around were fast and loose with relationships. 

Gemma studied her face. "Juice?"

With a deep sigh Dana turned her face away. Apparently it was quite obvious. 

"Was a slut on her knees in front of him when I entered the office a minute ago. He couldn't push her away fast enough."

Gemma shook her head, sighing. "What did he say?"

"To her that he got other stuff to do. To me that he didn't want anything from her."

"And you don't believe him?"

She rolled her eyes. "Would you?"

The older woman shrugged. "I was in the kitchen when Juice asked for breakfast. Irene couldn't wait to take care of it. She always kept a close eye on him."

"Not only an eye, I bet," she sniffed. 

Gemma's lips bend into a smirk. "That's all he allows since you showed up at the clubhouse."

Dana rolled her eyes. "I'm sure he does."

"She's a total bitch. Wouldn't be surprised if she waited for you to get to the office." Gemma laid a hand on her shoulder. "Talk to him, baby. Be honest to each other. Juice is hangin' around here for more than ten years. The way he looks at you... I've never seen him looking at someone like that."

Dana sighed. Gemma wasn't the kind of person who told people what they wanted to hear, she was always straight up and honest. 

"I don't want all this crap," she muttered. She wiped her eyes. "Got enough on my plate."

Gemma raised her eyebrows. "Suppose you give up on him... you think another woman atop of him won't bother you any longer?"

"No," she admitted with a whimper. That would hurt just as much. 

"Thought so. Don't give up on him after the first fight. Have a little patience. It's quite a change for them when they find out they wanna share their lives with one woman, instead of a harem."

Dana sighed again. She just couldn't get rid off the image of the girl, sitting in front of him. How many times had she been in that position? She'd disgusted it, she'd hated men for it. And although Juice hadn't forced the girl to do anything, she hated the idea that someone just offered him a blowjob during work. 

"And now?" she muttered. "Don't wanna see him for the time bein'. Maybe I shouldn't be in the same room all the time anyway."

"Then stay here," Gemma answered. "There're more people walking in and out, but it ain't that disturbing. Just go to the office when you need the quiet or when the guys need somethin' from Juice's laptop."

Dana thought about it. She didn't like the idea that she would have no clue about what he was doing there. She couldn't imagine Juice would just have let the girl sit there on her knees if she hadn't interrupted them. It however wasn't very healthy to be around your partner all the time either. 

"Okay," she said after a heavy sigh. "Will do that." 

Gemma smiled and patted her shoulder. "You're doin' great here, baby. Living this life ain't easy."

Dana stared at her. Did the woman forget where she'd come from?

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