087 • Dana

539 30 6

They attracted a lot of attention at the park. There wasn't a single passerby who didn't cast them a glance. There wasn't anything odd about it; even though the Sons weren't a rare appearance in Charming, they usually hung around the clubhouse or raced through the streets. 

But to barbecue in the park like a bunch of hippies, that was something new. 

They weren't only receiving dirty looks. Sure, some people walked past them as quick as they could, or even turned around and left. Most however had a little chat with them, took a hamburger or just sat down with them, so that it started to look like a block party. 

Dana had the feeling this was only improving the reputation of the club. 

Kip was proud as a peacock, his fingers kept caressing the new patch on his chest as if he couldn't fully believe he was no longer a prospect. His attitude had changed immediately, he puffed out his chest and stuck out his chin like no one could lay a finger on him. He was just as intimidating as the other guys, Dana had to admit. 

Her eyes wandered to the side, to Juice, who was playing soccer with a ball Kenny had taken with him. He'd taken off his shirt and boots, even though his pants were too baggy to sport, and he had to hoist it after every five steps. 

"Not a bad a sight, huh?" Lyla's conniving voice sounded. The young woman sat down next to her in the grass and gave her a warm smile. 

Dana had talked to her for a while, but when she went to introduce herself to the others, Dana had lost sight of her and her son. Piper had the same age as Kenny, and Dana found it a good thing Opie and Lyla's children at least seemed to like each other. 

"Not at all," Dana smirked. Opie, Jax and Juice all had a body that wasn't unpleasant to look at. "I hope you like tats, otherwise Opie's screwed."

Just like Jax, Opie's back was fully covered with the reaper. Even without their cuts everyone knew who they were. 

"It suits him," Lyla thought. There was a dreamy smile on her face. 

They will be fine. Nobody could miss their stolen glances. There was something angelic about Lyla, with her dreamy smile, deep blue eyes and her waving blonde hair. Dana couldn't have been more surprised when she found out the girl was a porn star working at Cara Cara. She hadn't asked further questions, assuming it paid well enough to support herself and her son. 

"Burgers!" Cherry dropped down next to them with a plate of bread rolls. 

Dana took one and cast a glance at the barbecue. Over there it had to be even hotter than here. The three new prospects were turning the meat, under supervision of Piney. Opie's old man had crossed his arms and was sweating bullets. The look in his eyes was dead serious, as if the boys would lose their chance of a patch when they burned the food.

It paid off, for the burger tasted very well. Before she could take another bite, an arm brushed past her and the bread roll was grabbed out of her hand. She looked over her shoulder and saw a way to wide grin before the burger disappeared through it. 

"Man, I'm hungry," Juice said by way of apologizing. 

She looked at the plate Cherry had taken with her, but the other sporters had already claimed their share. 

She tried to give Juice a wronged look, but his infectious laugh made that anything but easy. He reached out his hand. "Come, got a surprise for you."

A bit hesitated she let him pull her on her feet. Suspiciously she looked at his sweaty torso. "No soggy hug, I hope?"

The widening of his grin proved she should have kept that thought to herself. His arms snaked around her and pulled her to his heated chest. 

"Ugh, you stick."

"Now we can go in for a dip together."

Her nose brushed hers and his eyes were smiling with the same enthusiasm as his lips. Dana felt totally defenseless. Her hand stroked his left side, until her fingers found the chain on his belt and played with it. "After dinner."

His answer was drowned by the rumbling of motorcycle. He let go of her and laced their fingers. "Come." He pulled her gently to the barbecue. Curiously she walked with him, even though it weren't the prospects they were going to. They walked to the row of bikes, where somebody just got off his Harley. When the Son turned toward them, she froze. For a few seconds she forgot to breathe. 

"Koz?" she stammered when he walked up to them. 

His typical grin confirmed her suspicion. It was exactly the same grin he'd worn ten years ago. A lump appeared in her throat. Suddenly she realized how badly she'd missed him the past years. She let go of Juice, ran to him and threw her arms around his neck. 

For a second she was fourteen again, when she felt his arms around her, breathed in his scent and looked into his ever friendly blue eyes. After a tight embrace she watched his face. He'd became older, his face was rounder. His blonde hair was messy and her fingertips stroked the stubble on his cheek, that felt rougher than the last time she'd touched his face.

"Holy hell, Dane, you look so fucking good." Kozik's voice sounded deeper than she remembered. 

Still she couldn't say a word. It felt so surreal he was here, with her. After her brother had dragged him away so violently, she'd even been afraid he hadn't been alive at all, and even though she knew that had never happened since he had been shot, it was too strange to see him face to face, to touch him. 

"I just... I can't believe it's really you," she muttered. Absent-minded her thumb brushed the tattoo in his neck, that hadn't been there in the past. 

"If I'd known you were here..." His eyes rested in hers. 

She noticed his face was coming closer, and when his lips found hers and his hands glided across her back and laid still at her bottom, she didn't push him away, caught in the memories she'd cherished her entire youth.

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