082 • Dana

618 37 6

Dana broke a painkiller in two pieces and flushed it away with a glass of water. She felt a pressure in her head, as if she was wearing a tight cap, and tried to avoid a real headache. 

"You worry about your brother, sweetheart?"

Dana looked over her shoulder. Gemma stood in the doorway to the kitchen, her shoulder leaning against the door frame. Her brother... Kozik... The outcome of the meeting... Her safety and that of Juice... there were dozens of things she worried about. 

"He'll be fine," she answered. Happy would take care of himself. She had to believe that. Otherwise... she would go crazy. 

"He will." Gemma laid a hand on her shoulder and squeezed. "He knows how to take care of himself."

She sighed deeply and rubbed her eyes. "What if he never leaves that place, Gem?"

"Those pigs over there are corrupt. The truth will come out eventually, baby. The truth is never buried for good. The boys will find a way to end all this shit."

Dana dropped her eyes. If I'd never came here... 

The thought suddenly felt so heavy she could barely keep it to herself. But before she could share it with Gemma, she heard voices. The meeting had ended. The two women left the kitchen and Dana waited until Juice walked up to her. He took her face in his hands and kissed her lips. His eyes were smiling, and it felt like a heavy weight fell off her shoulders. 

"Kozik is out of danger. He's gonna be fine."

"Oh God," she whispered, and she hugged him in relief. "I'm so happy to hear that."

"Yeah..." His fingers raked through her hair. 

Reluctantly she let go of him. "And... the meeting?"

"We'll take it easy, as you wished." His nose brushed hers. "That with the phones, was that your idea?"

She nodded and smiled when he grinned proudly. 

"That's my girl!"


Dana put the completed paperwork in the appropriate folder and cleaned up the office. It had been a busy day. The garage had been closed yesterday and they were missing two mechanics now. Even Juice had pitched in, and from the doorway Dana watched him working on a bike. He wasn't only handy with computers, she discovered, and she loved to watch his muscles bulge while he was working.  

When he noticed she was watching him, he put down his tools and came to see her. "You look like an officer, quitting work at 5 pm sharp."

"I'm promoted to supervisor, so get back to work."

He pouted his lip. "Why so tough?" His eyes were sparkling and the sight of it almost made her heart explode. It was so different from the worries that had been etched on his face the day before. He wrapped his arms around her, and on the back they slid underneath her shirt and stayed on her bare lower back. 

"And what if I refuse to listen?" He dipped his head and whispered in her ear: "You're going to punish me?"

"Uh-uh. Celibacy for a week."

He chuckled while his hands wandered downwards, inside her pants. "Then try to stop me."

Her breathing faltered when he grabbed her ass and pulled her close. She looked up to him, his brown eyes dark with lust. Instead of coming up with a sharp answer she pushed her lips against his and let her tongue slide inside. 

For a moment she forgot Juice wasn't the only one who was still working, and when she heard a sniff next to her, she froze. 

"I'm startin' to think it was your idea to send Happy to prison. If he'd seen this, you would've had the same amount of fingers as Chucky."

Dana pulled back her face and squeezed her lips to keep herself from grinning stupidly at Gemma. The situation really got embarrassing when Juice tried to pull back his hands so quickly the rings hooked on the lace of her underwear, and he couldn't free them. 

"Eh, a minute of privacy please?" Dana managed to say before she laughed so hard she smothered it to Juice's shoulder. Man, soon they'll all look at us. 

Juice pushed her against the wall, hoping their bumbling would be less obvious. Dana caught a glance of Gemma's shaking head before she turned around and walked away. She felt his fingers move rougher over her skin while he tried to loosen his rings. 

"Need some help, Juicy?" Kip chuckled from a distance. 

"I don't wanna ruin her panties," Juice answered dead serious.

That comment made her laugh even harder –  it felt like all the tension of yesterday suddenly left her. 

"Just do it," she said, giggling. She wiped off the tears on his shoulder. His left hand still continued the struggle with her panties, but in the end she heard a ripping sound and he'd finally freed his fingers. 

"Sorry about that," he said softly, but his barely cloaked smirk told her otherwise.

"I'm startin' to see why they call you an idiot." Her hands slipped beneath the waist band of her pants while identifying the damage. Well, that would end up in the trash can. She looked around the garage and chuckled, still too much captivated by her laughter to feel embarrassed. "The show's over, boys." She leaned forward and briefly pecked his lips. "Go back to work, dummy. Seems your fingers need some more exercise."

A mischievous smirk flashed over his face. "Well I didn't hear you complain tonight." 

Stupidly, she felt her cheeks turn red this time, and she quickly pushed him into the direction of the bike he'd been working on. While walking back to the vehicle, he looked over his shoulder with a wolfish grin and winked. 


I dedicated this chapter to mountainmema1947 because she voted on all the chapters the past days and that makes me incredibly happy and grateful. Thank you so much for your support!

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