032 • Dana

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Clay's interruption felt like a warning, as if the universe was intervening because she'd been too weak to resist Juice. The rest of the day she experienced mixed feelings. She felt guilty because she'd crossed her own borders, which was unfair to Juice either, and at the same time the butterflies in her stomach ignored the strict rules she'd applied to herself.

 Either way Dana couldn't eat a thing. 

"Are you all right, sweetheart?" Gemma asked, studying her face. 

Dana was bummed about most of the men being gone: only Piney and Kip had stayed behind to guard the club house (or actually her). With Chucky and the kids of Opie and Jax they were with only seven, and Dana was convinced nobody would've noticed her loss of appetite if they hadn't been with so few. 

"Yea, I'm fine."

Gemma gave her another questioning look, but left it at that. 

After dinner Dana took Kenny and Ellie to Opie's house, as she'd done a few times now when Opie was not around. Kip had joined her, and it felt a bit ironic that she had to watch the kids while having her own babysitter.

Opie's house was within walking distance, so that was easy. As soon as they were inside, Kenny ran to the closet and took out a board game. That'd became a habit very quickly. 

Until eight o'clock they played Monopoly, there after Dana put them into bed. They were sweet, easy kids. They'd left the toddler phase behind a long time ago and even though Dana panicked at the sight of a baby or something else that couldn't talk properly, she didn't mind to watch these two. 

After they were both tucked in, she went down the stairs. Kip had fallen asleep on the couch and she sat down at the opposite one. A bit bored she took her phone out of her pocket. It was a simple device with only a few contacts. Only the Sons, Gemma and Cherry. She almost never received messages, and she was surprised to see the green icon at the top of the screen. The only one who texted her sporadically, was Cherry. The others were only in her contact list to make sure she could reach out to someone when she was in trouble. When they usually wanted to speak to her, they just knocked on her door, whether it was 12 o'clock or 6 in the morning.

With her finger she swiped down the bar and opened the message. 

Her heart skipped a beat when she noticed it was from Juice. He'd sent it three hours ago.

- Sorry that Clay was being such an ass. Can I make it up to you tomorrow? x J. 

A smile flickered across her lips. It wasn't up to him to make things right, she'd been the one who wanted to kiss him. Although he was the one who pulled you on his lap. She typed back: 

- You don't need to be sorry. 

She stared at the six words she'd sent. Her fingers floated above the letters. 

- But you still owe me a date.

The addition made her stomach go flip-flop. She didn't know if it was wise to continue what she'd started earlier today, but she neither wanted things to become awkward between them again. She honestly didn't want to think about the grasp in which Maddox was holding her at all. She could try for a date, right? As long as they weren't a couple in public, there wasn't much of a risk, right?  

Her own thoughts made her feel sick. 

Not much of a risk? She should avoid every little risk! She might have the feeling that she was still a prisoner, but he would at least be safe! She sighed deeply and wrapped her arms around herself. 

How I wish he was here now... 

She blocked the thought immediately. Nóóó Dana. He has to stay away from you! 

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