062 • Happy

842 35 10

Happy took another good look at the picture. It wouldn't be hard to find the owner of the fight club, but he wanted to be hundred percent sure he wouldn't be messing with the wrong guy. When his vision was clouded by anger, all the faces would look the same. Sharp nose, deep-set eyes, smooth chin, thin hair, he told himself. A rat face.

He switched his cut for a normal leather jacket. Nothing was gonna lead anyone to the club. This would sure as hell be a murder worth investigating. His lips curled into an excited smirk. Oh, everyone would talk about this...

He opened a drawer, pulled out two guns and slid a knife on the side of his boot. There was a slight chance they would be searched and unarmed when they got inside, but the weapons he took with him were just tools. Nothing irreplaceable. He slammed the door of his dorm behind him and walked to the clubhouse. He grunted when his eye caught his sister on the side, her face way too close to Juice's. That idiot had wrapped his arms around her, and they rested too low on her back for his liking.

He didn't think Juice was a real jerk, his sister was probably better off with him than with any of his other brothers. He just hated the thought that somebody was touching his little sister, whoever it was, and especially right under his nose. Every time he saw the two together he felt the urge to strangle Juice. However, up to now he'd controlled himself. The last time he'd interfered with his sister's relationship had led to the fact they hadn't seen each other in five years, and in that time worse things had happened to her than he ever could have imagined. If he hadn't dragged her out by her hair back then, would she have discovered sooner what kind of man Maddox was? Or wouldn't have changed that a damn thing? 

He shook off the thought. 

It didn't matter anymore. Things were just the way they were. He'd thrown her to the wolves, just as she wanted, and now he had to clean up the mess. 

"Ready?" Chibs' voice sounded next to him. 

Happy nodded. Tig was already waiting at the entrance. More than anything Happy wanted to leave as well, but he still felt a brotherly obligation to say something to his sister. 


With large steps he walked to the couple. Juice quickly pulled back his hands from Dana's lower back when he caught his glare. He didn't know what to make of the look in Juice's eyes. He got the impression Juice didn't know what to feel himself either. He'd wanted to come along, he'd wanted to take revenge. 

Happy got that, but Juice was the last person he wanted around. Not only because that kid had a serious lack of improvisation talent when it came to dangerous situations, also because he knew his little sister would be a nervous wreck, afraid something would happen to him. And who knew what stupid things that would make her do. 

And that was also the other side of Juice's struggle: he wanted to stay with his girl to make sure nothing happened to her while a part of the club went to San Francisco. 

He laid a hand on Juice's shoulder and gave a firm squeeze. "Make sure she's safe."


Happy glared at him. The word had slipped his mouth easily, but his eyes showed his honesty. He gave him a nod and turned to Dana. "Take it easy. I'm back tomorrow."

Her eyes probed his face and her lips moved apart a bit. Before she could say a word he turned around. He hated to say goodbye. He would be back tomorrow, nothing was gonna happen. He'd make sure of that. Tough words weren't needed. All he's gonna do, is having a little talk with that motherfucker. And then he would offer him the blackest night from his life – and immediately the last one. That wasn't something he hadn't done before. He knew what he was getting himself into.

After one step he changed his mind and turned to Juice. "Don't forget to hack the security camera's at six. If you do, your face ain't gonna differ from that of Montez. My sister will get over you some day."

Juice had always had his distracted moments, making Happy wonder to what fucking world his mind wandered to, but since Dana was messing with his head, things had only became worse. He had to keep it together. Otherwise he was of no use to them. 

"Got it," Juice said, giving him a nod. 

Happy nodded back, turned around and did leave the clubhouse this time. 

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