036 • Dana

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Her hands were sliding across his chest, her lips across his neck. His skin was warm, and man, he smelled so good! She couldn't get enough of him. How long where they sitting here? She didn't really care. It felt as if she'd found something she'd searched for her whole life, and she was scared to death that she would lose it. 

I wanna be your girl. 

The words were buzzing through her head, it even felt like she was breathing them out. But she couldn't say them out loud. Now and then a cramping feeling rose in her chest that prevented her from saying the words. Then she kissed him even more passionately, pulled him even closer, until the feeling faded away, leaving behind nothing but a breathtaking passion. 

In the end they both ran out of breath and let go of each other. Juice stood up to get two large cups of soda, and when he returned he sat down close to her, behind her. She leaned against his chest while drinking through a straw. His right hand was on her stomach, and she looked at the golden rings that reflected the sunbeams around almost every finger. 

They were quiet, and it was a nice silence. They just enjoyed each other's company. 


They spent the evening kissing, talking and cuddling. Although the movie started, they both paid no attention to the screen. All they were seeing, was each other. 

Happiness, did it feel this way? For a moment it felt as if there was nobody else in this world but Juice and her, and when her buzzing phone proved the opposite, she just ignored it. Without a doubt it was Cherry, who wanted to know how their date was turning out. After a few silent seconds the vibrating started again, and with a sigh she took the device out of her pocket. 

It was Happy. 

He never called her. Since the day she'd come to TM, he'd barely talked to her at all. It felt like they'd nothing to talk about, as if he considered it his obligation to keep her alive, but wasn't in for a relationship. Something she could understand, and respected. But the fact that he was calling her now, made her therefore even more nervous. She sat up a little more straight and pressed the green button. 


"Where the hell are you? Thought you were looking after Opie's kids."

"I'm with Juice," she answered, frowning.

"Get the hell over here."

"What? Why?"

"Just do it!"

His voice sounded dark, and a shiver crept down her spine. "What's goin' on?"

"I'll tell you when you're here." 

He clearly was tensed. Dana felt ice cold. What in the world could make him nervous? "Okay," she said softly. "We're on our way."

Happy hung up. 

"What's goin' on?' Juice asked when she stared in disbelief at her phone.

"That was Happy... He... He didn't sound well. We need to go back."

She stood up, as did Juice. She rubbed her upper arms, it felt as if the temperature had dropped ten degrees. 

Juice laid a hand on her cheek and looked her right in the eye. His eyes were filled with concern. He kissed her forehead, grabbed her hand and pulled her to his Dyna. 

He said nothing, asked no questions, didn't even try to comfort her. Not with words, at least, for there was  no one in the world she'd rather have on her side right now.  


Fifteen minutes later Juice parked his bike in front of the garage. Dana's legs were shaking and she was glad when Juice took her hand in his, giving her a bit more strength. What could have happened? It must have something to do with Maddox.  

It was quiet when they entered the club house. There was a choking atmosphere. Nobody joked about the fact they walked in hand in hand. Apart from Jax and Opie everyone had gathered. Bobby greeted her with a nod, a pitiful glance in his eyes, and it felt like an invisible hand squeezed her throat. 

Silently they kept moving, Dana got the feeling she was heading to her condemnation. Was that what all this was about? Had the police found out where she was hiding? Did they came to take her into custody? 

"What's goin' on?' Juice asked when they'd reached the others. She squeezed his hand gratefully, she couldn't utter a word herself. 

Happy spoke directly to her. His face was pale. 

"The Memorial Hospital just called. Mom... mom died."

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