154 • Dana

310 15 4

Dana had to hold onto the limousine to keep herself from falling. Her guts were sloshing through her body and she had already thrown up twice in the car. The taste of vomit was still in her mouth and she wouldn't be surprised if it was on her clothes too. Reflexively, she wiped along her mouth and chin, but she had done that so many times by now she knew there was nothing left.

Even though she knew she had to hurry because Juice's life was hanging by a thread, she kept standing next to the car motionlessly. Her sight was blurry. An enormous building stood above her, but she couldn't recognize its shape. The only thing she could picture clearly was Juice's bleeding body. 

What if he was already gone? 

Would she want to see his body? 

Squeezing her eyes, she took a deep breath. When she opened them again, she saw someone standing at the entrance of the building. Her breathing faltered. For months she had feared this moment. Oddly enough, she didn't feel the fear that had been so paralyzing in her nightmares. 

She could only think about Juice. 

If he was still alive, he needed to go to a hospital. He wouldn't get that chance before she went with Maddox, so she had no time to lose. She pushed herself away from the car. The driver was still behind the steering wheel. He hadn't said a single word to her since she had gotten into his car and she wouldn't be surprised if Maddox had cut off his tongue. 

Only the first steps she took were wobbly. She raised her head, looking right past Maddox. She had made her choice. She couldn't go back, but she wouldn't crawl back to him like a beaten dog. As she neared him, she looked right through him. Instead of paying attention to him, she focused on the building. It was the ruin of a church. 

A shiver crept down her spine as a memory floated by, as if her brain wanted to drag her back to a lost time, instead of letting her face this awful reality. 

Dana's hands were leaning on the wooden fence. Below her was a sea of green and brightly colored flowers. The branches of an enormous tree close to them moved; a toucan flew away. 

Not that she paid that much attention to the beauty of nature at the moment. Juice's lips were moistening her neck. One hand hugged her breast, the other was inside her bikini bottoms and played with her in such a way she was sharply breathing in, tensing her pelvis. 

His tongue glided across her auricle and his warm breathing made her shiver.  "Seems like you're ready for me," he whispered.

"I'm always... ahh..." a moan cut off her words as two of his fingers slid inside her.

His other hand glided away from her breast and she felt how he was lowering his swimming shorts. He knelt behind her, kissing the skin from her thigh to her ankle as he rolled down her bikini briefs until she stepped out of them. His finger tips climbed up again as he stood up, making her sigh with pleasure as he arrived back at her groins. Spreading her legs a little more, she bent over the railing of the outpost. Both of his hands grabbed her hips and the fire inside her flamed up as he entered her from behind. His waist felt warm against her bottom and she bent a little more. With her front teeth she bit her lip as he thrust inside her in the perfect rhythm. 

Through her half-closed eyes she suddenly noticed four people who came their way. In this bird watching hut they were probably too high to give a very detailed sight of their current activity, but she was still distracted by them. 

"People are coming," she hissed. 

Juice stopped for a moment and took his lips away from her shoulder to look up. "They're still far away."

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