112 • Juice

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It wasn't the first time Juice woke up with a nagging, stinging feeling in his stomach. But it was the first time it happened without feeling Dana's naked body against his skin. With still closed eyes he shoved a little to the left while his hand groped across the mattress. The fitted sheet felt cold. It must have been a while since someone'd slept on her side of the bed. 

He sat up straight and rubbed his eyes. His mind still felt sedated, he couldn't think of a reason why she wouldn't be in bed. The alarm clock showed it was 5 AM, she never got up that early. 

With a groan he left the bed and walked to the bath room. Empty.

A nagging feeling started to sink in. Had she gone to her own room? Had he done something wrong? He thought back to the night before. They didn't stay up late. After he'd satisfied her, he'd pulled her in his arms. Again she'd mumbled she loved him, and right after that he must have fallen asleep. 

He sped up his pace as he walked to her room. The door wasn't locked. For a moment he felt relieved as he saw all her stuff was still in the room. Then his eye caught a note on the made-up bed. 

He grabbed it from the blanket and unfolded the piece of paper. There were only a few lines, written down in a hasty handwriting. 

I meant what I told you yesterday, Juice. I love you. So much. 
That's why I need to do this. Thank you for the past weeks, you taught me how to feel again. 
My heart will always be yours. 

I'm sorry I dragged you into this misery. You deserve so much better. 

A few seconds he stared at the words, unable to move, as if his brain refused to process the message. 

She was gone. After everything they'd gone through, she'd still left him. 

He took a few deep breaths, trying to keep his thoughts together. He had to find her. How much time had passed since she left? Why had nobody stopped her? He ran across the hallway to the club house.

"Where is she?!" he snarled at Phil, who'd slumped in a chair next to the entrance. The prospect looked up dazed, as if he'd been sleeping. His eyes grew wide at the sight of Juice's naked body. 

Juice couldn't care less. He grabbed the collar of the man's cut and pulled him on his feet. "Where. Is. She," he barked in Phil's face.

"Calm down, bro. She's out, said she needed some fresh air."

"Idiot!" Juice clenched his fist and smashed his face before he pushed him backward and ran to the door. 

He didn't have to leave the building to discover she was gone. The fence was ajar and her bike was no longer there. 

Cursing he turned around. He wanted to yell, to smash up the building, damn it, he even wanted to cry. Still he bit back his frustration and tears. "What time did you see her?"

The fat kid shrugged his shoulders. "An hour ago?"

"An hour." Juice breathed in deeply and exhaled. Not all hope was lost. Already at the very beginning he'd left a tracker on her phone and after she'd been about to leave a few days ago, he'd also put one on her bike. She was smart enough to know he could track her down by phone. "Wake up the others!" he snapped at the prospect. 

Right after those words Juice rushed back to his room and opened his laptop. Maddox would surely check her on bugs. Before she got to him, they had to intercept her.

While he waited until his laptop was working, he put on some clothes. He tripped over his foot that was stuck in his pants as he wanted to walk back to his laptop when the Windows-sound sounded. Cursing he fell on the bed. His knee hit the wooden casing and he breathed in hissing. With his pants half on and lying on his stomach, he pulled the laptop closer and entered the password. Frantically he started the right program. 

The red dot started to blink immediately. She was approximately thirty miles away from Charming. There was still hope to get her back. He finished his clothes, put on his boots and rushed to the clubhouse, where some of his brothers were already strolling around like a bunch of zombies.

"Dana's gone," he told Kozik, the only one looking alert. 

"You know where she is," the blonde man concluded.

Juice nodded hastily, put his laptop down on the table and pushed Phil on a chair. "Navigate us." He put in an earpiece, connected it with his phone and ran out of the building, closely followed by Kozik. He didn't care about the others. 

It was a blessing in disguise it was still so early. Nothing would stop them from grazing the highway with 300 miles per hour. 

He would find her and bring her back.

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