101 • Dana

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Dana had fallen down on her knees. Helplessly she clung to Opie's body. She screamed, squealed, screeched. 

She'd really done it. 

She'd killed him.

What was wrong with her? How could she be able to do such a thing? 

Opie was gone. Through the flood of tears she could barely recognize his face. What was left of it, was covered beneath a pool of blood. 

His eyes were open, as was his mouth. 

Bile crept upward and she turned away her head and threw up. 

Right through her screams she heard a whisper. 

She had to tell him she'd done it. So he would leave alone the two kids. Her bloody fingers slithered inside the pocket of her pants and pulled out the phone. Sobbing she took a picture and sent it to the number she'd saved after the call. 

A thumbs-up. 

A thumbs- up was all he sent back. 

She didn't dare to call, didn't dare to ask if he would leave the children alone now. She didn't trust herself, she was afraid she would spew her hatred, jeopardizing Kenny and Elly once more. 

Her body suddenly felt so heavy she fell forward. With her head she rested upon Opie's chest. How could she let this happen? She'd known something like this would happen. And still she'd stayed with the Sons. 

She was the definition of selfishness.

And still she didn't want to return, still she couldn't make that decision. 

But she had to. She had to. 

She took a deep breath, picked up her phone and wrote a new message. 

- Leave the others alone, please. I'll come home right after Opie's funeral. I promise.

Her stomach twisted again when she read his answer. 

- I will wait for you. 😉 

She took a few deep breaths. The kids were safe now. Juice was safe. And if she kept her promise, things would stay that way. 

The only thing that could endanger their lives now, was the police. She couldn't be found here. But what the hell was she supposed to do? Who could help her?

She could only think of one person. She scrolled through her contacts until she found the newest – Maddox's number excluded. His name was almost unreadable because of the traces of blood she spread across the screen. She pressed the button and held the device against her ear. 

"Koz?" Her voice cracked when she said his name. "Oh Koz..." 

Then she broke. For minutes she could do nothing but cry.

"What's wrong, Dane? Where are you?"

He repeated his question at least five times before she could answer.

"The first lane in the woods after you've left Charming. Don't... don't say anything to Juice. To nobody."

"I promise. Stay were you are, okay? I'll be right there."

Dana lowered her phone. She wrapped her arms around Opie, craving for the last shreds of his warmth. Maybe it was because dusk was setting in, but he already felt cold. She let her head rest against his chest and started to weep again, wondering how the hell she could keep this secret from the club. If Juice found out she was the one who'd ended Opie's life, things between them would never be the same. 

And she wanted to feel his arms around her, these last nights before she would return to her tormentor for good.

. . . 

Dana felt completely sedated when she heard the rumbling of a bike. She didn't manage to raise her head. It didn't take long before she heard Kozik's voice, but she couldn't concentrate on his words. 

Vaguely she was aware of an arm gliding around her waist, and a moment later she was pulled away from Opie. Freaking out, she tried to grasp him. Even though she knew better, it felt like there was still a slight chance he could survive this as long as she shared her body heat with him. 

Kozik pulled her on her feet, turned her away from Opie's body and pulled her against his chest. Hot tears rolled down her cheeks while his hand fondled her hair. 

"You're safe now," he said on a soothing tone. "I'm with you."

Dana stayed silent, except for her sobbing. 

For a long time she leaned against him, waiting until she'd recovered her composure.   

Kozik cradled her softly, whispering words that undoubtedly should sound comforting, but his words got lost before they reached her ears.

Her throat felt scalded when she started to tell him what happened, still whispering. "We were having dinner when he called. I had to kill Opie, if not he would kill Kenny and Elly. He – he told me he was going to play Russian Roulette with them. He was with them, Koz. He was with them. I had to kill Opie or he would kill the kids."

She felt how Kozik tensed, as if he only just realized she was the one who'd killed Opie.

"What are you talking about, Dane? Kenny and Elly were in the clubhouse the whole evening. Right before you called me, I've even played Jenga with them."

Dana stepped back, away from his embrace. His words took her breath away. 

"W-what? No... I – Elly spoke to me through the phone..."

Slowly Kozik shook his head. "That's impossible."

Dana looked away. She stared at Opie's lifeless body. "O god... O god. What have I done?!"

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