016 • Dana

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"Me and my big mouth... What have I gotten myself into?" Dana grumbled. She opened the wardrobe and looked at her clothes. She had something that was really appropriate for the occasion, but she didn't know if she dared to wear it. If Maddox...

Don't think about Maddox. He won't be there.

Cherry was lying on the bed, her head resting in her hands. A lollipop stick was between her lips. She chuckled. "I promise you you won't be alone tonight."

"All Tig's gonna do is watching. That's all he gets from me."

"Didn't mention Tig."

Dana turned around and looked at her friend, her eyebrows raised. She wasn't going to talk about Juice again, was she?

"What?" Cherry asked, playing innocent. "You said you didn't wanna go through life as a holy Mary. Tonight you'll be in the spotlight. Is there nobody you wanna undress?" She looked around as if she was already visualizing.

"Hmm." For a moment she saw a flash of Juice, whose shirt she took off, her hands sliding across his chest. She felt a warm glow spreading to her face. No, Dana, we're not going in that direction. That man is off-limits for you. If you really want to roll around with someone, you choose someone you dare to look at afterward. She wanted it to be casual, unbound.

"Maybe Jax," she admitted. He was handsome, and she wouldn't mind seeing his body from a closer perspective. Furthermore, he didn't seem the type of guy that would plan a wedding immediately. And after all, there wasn't much of a choice. There were only four members she found attractive. Juice was ruled out in advance. Kip was with Cherry, and Opie... their friendship meant too much to her.

Jax was okay. He was friendly, she felt comfortable around him and she wasn't too close with him.

"Jax? He'll take the bait." Cherry sat up. "But are you sure? You don't wanna give Juice a real chance? Not to be rude... but if you decide Jax to be your fuck buddy, there isn't much of a chance that you will ever become Juice's old lady. And you have already a little crush on him. Well – leave out the little."

Dana dropped her eyes. She had a point. Making out with his friend wasn't a very smart plan. But wasn't that exactly what she wanted? To build an enormous wall between Juice and her, so that her feelings wouldn't become worse, and his feelings wouldn't even get the chance to grow? That was the only way he wouldn't become a target of Maddox.

The chance that she would escape from Maddox for good, wasn't a big one. If a miracle happened and she did – and she still had feelings for Juice – she would fix that by then.

She shook off the thought. She was looking for clothes for tonight. How things would develop after that, was something she would worry about later. She took a burgundy bustier with black lace from the drawer and looked for a matching thong.

"I'll get changed here," she warned. To get to the bathroom she had to cross the hallway and she preferred to hear Cherry's judgment first.

"Do whatever you want," Cherry shrugged.

Dana turned away from the girl, switched her lingerie and searched for a pair of stockings that she attached with girdles.

A few moments later she watched herself in the mirror.

Cherry whistled. "As if you knew this day would come. You're looking good, Dane. If Kip wasn't such a sweetheart I would have known."

"Good to now. In case I ever want to try a threesome." Dana looked again at her reflection. It fitted her like a glove. It had been a long time ago that she'd felt sexy. And this time she didn't try to impress anyone. She did this just to amuse herself. It just gave her a good feeling, knowing that Maddox would go crazy if he knew she showed herself in this way to other men.

She took a simple, black dress from the closet and put it on.

"Kind of a shame you're not joining me, Cher. Then my brother would've had something to look at too. This will just embarrass him to death."

Cherry chuckled. "I don't think he'll ever be able to visit a strip club again without thinking about his little sister. Poor boy. I guess he will be taking a smoke outside while you do ya thing. But, eh... yea. I've never done anything like that."

"You think I do?"

Cherry shrug a shoulder. "Bet you're a natural."

Dana made a mocking sound. "Nonsense."

"I rather keep my clothes on with them around." It sounded a little embittered.

Dana gave her friend a questioning look. "Something happened"

"Maybe." Cherry avoided her glance. A second later she put herself back together and hopped off the bed. "Nothing that matters to you. Today we ain't gonna dig up old skeletons. Let's go, before Tig is so drunk he can only teach us how to puke."

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