096 • Dana

524 33 7

Now she stood here, with his arms around her and her ear against his chest so she could hear the beating of his heart, she couldn't imagine she'd really been afraid of him. She swallowed the lump in her throat. She knew she wasn't the easiest girlfriend, but he stayed with her nonetheless and wanted to help her to get rid of her demons. She loved this man. She knew it, felt it in every inch of her body. It felt like he was perfectly balanced. Sometimes he was a bit silly, but he wasn't dumb at all and she often got the feeling others underestimated how smart he was. On some days he was just joking around with a wolfish grin on his face, but he was always open to a serious conversation. He wasn't afraid to use violence to protect the ones he loved and at the same time he had a soft side that made her feel so special. He wasn't perfect – who was? – but she could see herself growing old with someone like him. At least, if they would get that chance. 

She looked up to him. Her stomach wallowed when his brown eyes rested in hers. His glance was warm, emotional, so different from the look in eyes when he'd opened the door half an hour ago. That had been a facade, a way to hide how deeply she'd hurt him. 

She kissed him softly before eyeing him again. "I left the clubhouse as soon as I could," she said. "Can I shower here?"

"Hmm? Yeah, sure."

It felt as if she'd broken through deep thoughts. His eyes moved across her face, hesitating, as if he wasn't sure if things were really okay between them again. She gave him a wink, took his hand and pulled him upward the stairs. 

"You take a towel," she said with a crooked smile. "Before I turn your color-coded pile upside down." She went into the bathroom and pulled the scrunchie out of her hair. A moment later Juice appeared in the doorway and handed her a towel. She took it from him, tossed it in the corner, grabbed his hand and pulled him closer. Apparently it didn't occur to him all of this was a not so subtle hint she wanted to get intimate with him. When her hands slid underneath his shirt and pulled it over his head, it finally dawned on him. 

"You need some encouragement today," she chuckled when his hands found their way underneath her clothes and started to undress her. 

"I didn't know if..."

"Sssh. Let me see my bad ass biker now," she cut him off with a smirk, moving her lips to his neck while taking off his belt. It was astonishing how quickly he shook off his hesitation. Eagerly his hands moved over her body, following every curve, bringing down the garments one by one. His mouth merged with hers when they stood naked in front of each other. He lifted her up and stepped into the shower. Dana wrapped her legs around him while the heat of his lips waved down her neck. His skin felt clammy against hers – she could almost hear the excitement that overwhelmed both of them.

The tiles cooled her down a bit when Juice pressed her back against them. 

"You like this better?" he asked, softly panting. 

Her thumbs traced the edges of his head tats while he looked up to her. "It's nice to look down at you for once."

That wasn't the only thing that was nice. The pressure of his hips against hers drove her crazy, as did the way his muscles tensed while he held her. 

With one hand he turned on the water, that rained down on his back. She licked the drops that glided down his shoulder while his hands seemed to be all over her body. 

"You're so beautiful," he whispered after a long, intense kiss. "You feel so good."

"As do you." Her voice cracked when he opted that moment to suck her nipple. He lifted her a little higher and she felt his hard length pressing against her soft flesh. She wanted to feel him inside her so badly the desire pulsed painfully, but she couldn't reach him with her hand and he wasn't making any move to do it. 

He moved his lips back to hers and smirked, as if he knew too well she was almost bursting of impatience. 

"Sorry babe," he grinned. "Unless you already want a little biker in your belly the rest will have to wait."

"Asshole," she grumbled. 

The smirk on his face only intensified her lust. She kissed him eagerly, her nails scraping across his shoulders and back. With her heels she pushed him closer until a frustrated grunt left his lips too. He turned off the shower, moved his hands to her ass and carried her out of the shower. She watched his face while he took her to his room, still soaking wet. Desire churned in his eyes and his confident smile quietly promised her she wouldn't have to wait much longer. Drops glided down his neck and blended with hers a little lower. Gently he laid her on the bed, rummaged in the nightstand and a moment later he hovered over her and kissed her again. The fresh air in the dorm room cooled her down a bit, but every inch of her skin he touched, seemed to melt. 

"Get in me," she whispered, hoping her voice sounded more sexy than desperate. 

Leaning with one elbow on the mattress he looked at her, with twinkles in his eyes because of her impatience. "Tonight I thought we would never lie here together again."

"If you keep me waiting, you might have been right about that."

Chuckling he kissed her lips. "Then I suggest you do something else with that big mouth of yours."

When she wanted to answer him, his tongue took away her words. His hand wandered across her breast, embracing it, and at the same time he thrust inside her, immediately deep, and more roughly than he usually did. She moaned in approval, crossing her ankles higher on his back to have a better angle. His kiss stilled when he thrust again and her fingers caressed his tensed face. He opened his eyes and looked at her. Suddenly it felt like they saw past each other's eyes, as if their bodies melted together in more ways than just physically. 

There was only one thought that came over her while her muscles tensed and her body prepared to unload in a way she would feel in every fiber of her being. 

If soulmates existed, he had to be hers. 

She could feel it in her toes, and she even believed to see the same thought reflecting in his eyes. 


I'm so happy to welcome new readers! anggjjkloubie14 thank you so much for all the votes you left behind! <33

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