135 • Dana

332 24 2

Dana shoved another pin in her hair and put the triangular pirate hat on her head. Looking into the mirror, she watched the costume Juice had picked for her, chuckling softly. There was quite a cleavage visible and the dress was a bit too short. She sat down on the edge of the bath and lowered her feet in the knee-high boots. Even though she never had been fond of heels, she could walk on them. Still she decided to put her flip-flops in the backpack before they would leave. Before Dana left the bathroom, she slipped her hands across the cheap fabric. It didn't bother her, she wouldn't wear this often anyway. This was just for fun. And the 'costume' she had bought Juice, had barely costed her a thing. 

She left the bathroom. Juice sat on the bed and watched her with shiny eyes, biting his lip. "Damn baby. I knew you would look smokin' hot in that thing."

"I always look hot." She gave him a wink. 

 His Adam's apple bobbed up and down as he swallowed. 

She straddled on his lap, looking as seductive as she could. "You know, we can also stay here and celebrate Halloween with the two of us."

He placed his hands on her thighs and moved them upwards eagerly. Their lips found each other, and soon his lips descended down her neck and collarbone. 

"Maybe I should have gotten you a burka," he muttered against her skin. "I don't want to give up all my plans for today."

Dana pushed him down on the bed. Underneath him she felt a bulge grow and she ground across it. "You never need that much time," she teased. 

She chuckled as he bit her neck indignantly. While his hands squeezed her ass, she unbuckled his belt without taking her lips away from his. Juice's fingers closed around her thong and pulled it to the side, helping himself inside her. She needed no foreplay, it felt like her body was ready for him all day long and she closed her eyes satisfied as she felt him move inside her. 

. . . 

Only a few minutes later they were lying next to each other, both panting. Dana chuckled as her fingers hooked around his. "You see? I told ya you didn't need a lot of time."

She rolled on her side and gave him a tender kiss, she didn't want to offend him. For a while they kept lying next to each other, then Dana freshened up in the bath room and straightened her costume. 

When she got back, Juice sat straight. "Well, what was the most sexy costume you could find for me?" he asked with a smirk. 

Not what you think. She chuckled inwardly, knowing she would find it more funny than he. But it had been his own idea to pick Halloween costumes for each other. She picked up her bag that was next to the closet and scrambled through it. 

"I already told you seeing you dressed up as Dracula would absolutely be a turn-on, but that seemed a bit too warm in the tropics. So... how about a baby Dracula?" She took out the adult diaper and tossed it on the bed, followed by a pink binky and a Winnie de Pooh backpack, since he needed to take his gun. 

Juice scowled at her underneath raised eyebrows. Dana shrugged innocently. "Everyone has seen you in it, except me..." She pouted and slipped her arms around his waist, looking up to him. "And hey... with so few clothes on I might surprise you with another quickie here and there." She wiggled her eyebrows. 

That seemed to win him over. He pulled on the diaper and looked down, shaking his head. "You're somethin' else, Dana."

Dana started to laugh. What she liked most, was the fact that he was crazy enough to really wear it. She wrapped her arms around his neck. "I like you so much, Juice," she said sincerely, kissing his lips. "Sometimes you feel like a dream." 

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