053 • Dana

860 37 2

After working one hour and a half Dana needed a break. She sat down on the picnic table while she watched the men working in the garage. She still felt miserable about this morning. Could she just get past this? Since the moment they'd shared their first kiss, the idea that he was also into other women hadn't crossed her mind. But now she couldn't get rid of the thought. 

Kip left the garage and wiped his smudged hands on his overall. "Hey. You make it easy, was just going to look for you. Juice is asking for you."

She raised her eyebrows. "Something wrong with his own eyes?"

"Nah, busy or something. I didn't know where you were."

She let out a long sigh. "I'm busy as well." 

Kip gave her a questioning look and she kicked out her cigarette. "Never mind." She wasn't about to share her feelings with everyone. Not the whole club needed to be aware of their struggles. They probably found her a poser, nothing had happened in the end. 

She strolled into the clubhouse, straight to the hallway on the far end. He was overreacting if he ordered someone else to look for her. She pushed open the door and kept standing in the doorway. 

The pale light of his laptop screen lit up his face. His eyes were wary as if he'd sat here the whole night instead of a few hours. She held her other upper arm with her right hand, not knowing how to act.

"You let me summon now?"

"You have to look at some pictures and tell me if there are people you know."

His voice sounded concise, and it hurt her. She felt a little stupid for thinking he wanted to see her because of their fight. He looked past that: he was working. 

She walked to him and kept standing next to his chair. He didn't pull her on his lap but pushed back the screen of his laptop a little. The rigid way in which he moved, showed his susceptibility. She leaned with her left hand on the table while scrolling through the pictures with her other hand, looking at the photos of different men. 

A shiver crept down her spine when she recognized the face of a pale man with cold eyes and straight black hair. "He. He used to come around."

She could just picture him. He'd always looked at her in a peculiar way, although he'd never laid a finger on her. Something she'd always been afraid of.

"How did you find 'm?"

"Danny – whose real name is Owan – often visited illegal fight clubs. This is the owner of one of those clubs. We finally have a way in."

Juice's voice sounded a little more vivid. 

"Okay. Good." She wasn't entirely sure what the guys planned to do, but they undoubtedly knew what they were doing. 

"Any others?"

She scrolled further and shook her head. 

"I'll try to find an overview of their regular visitors."


She stared at the screen stubbornly. She felt that he was looking at her. "Can I go now? You can send Kip if you need me again." She didn't wait for an answer and wanted to walk away. Before she'd passed him, he grabbed her wrist. She tried to tear herself away, but he held on tight and stood up. 

"Ow, you hurt me."

His grip loosened a little, but he didn't let go of her. "Are we done? You and me?"

She looked down, at his black boots. Eventually, she only shrugged her shoulders in silence. She shivered when he laid his finger beneath her chin and lifted up her face. 

"I don't want anyone but you, Dana. Since the moment I saw you, you were all I could think of."

Her shoulders tensed. "You say that to all of 'em?"

"I honestly never talked much to them."

She started to feel sick and stepped back. She tried to pull away her arm again, but he still didn't let her go.

"You know my feelings for you are real."

"How should I know ?" she taunted. 

His face grew gloomy. It was like something in his eyes was breaking. "You really need to ask that? You had no doubts this morning. Nor yesterday. And now you do because some stupid bitch dropped on her knees before me? Why the hell would I ask you to be my girl if you didn't mean much more to me than all those club whores? I'm a Son, Dana, finding a chick to keep my bed warm isn't even a challenge.  But I don't want them since I met you. None of them."

Dana squeezed her lips. A tear rolled down her cheek. 

Again she pulled her arm away from him. This time he let go of her and allowed her to leave. 

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