079 • Juice

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With his pinky Juice lifted the elastic and shoved his hand further, to her warmth and dampness. Her kiss faltered when his finger found the right spot and started to tease her. 

"Oh man," Dana whispered hoarsely when two of his fingers slid inside her. He searched for her eyes to make sure she still wanted to go on with it. She buried her nails in the skin of his back to encourage him and he continued while kissing her neck, her breasts. Now and then he massaged the little swelling with his thumb, and every time he did, she arched her back a little, gasping for air.  "I swear to you... Juice..." Her breathing felt hot against his neck. "If there ain't a rubber within reach I'm gonna kill ya."

"We're doing a breath play then?" he teased. 


His hand left her panties and he touched for the night table next to the bed. His fingers wandered through the drawer until he caught a condom. Dana got off him so they could both get rid off their last pieces of clothes and he put on the rubber quickly. 

There was a twisted feeling in his stomach; he still felt nervous. Actually he'd thought she wanted to stick to a hand job. Wouldn't she panic when he entered her? He intended to love her as gentle as possible, but he didn't know how long he could control himself. 

He looked at her body when she crawled on top of him again. She was beautiful, he was lost for words. A smirk played her lips while she looked at the one part of his body she hadn't seen before. He closed his eyes when her fingers stroked it. He loved her touch. He couldn't remember he'd ever been so aware of someone's touch before. She hovered over him, pinned him with one hand against the mattress and started to kiss him again. His hands touched every piece of skin he got access too, which became less and less when she sat up straighter. She looked down on him while she slowly led him inside her. He heaved a shaky sigh when he felt her around him. His hands glided across her back when she started to ride him, slowly, while her fingertips were caressing his chest.  

They kept looking at each other, which strengthened their intimacy, while she allowed him to go deeper and took her distance, on and on. She'd dipped her head, her lips were slightly parted and she looked sweet and sexy at the same time. Her firm breasts wobbled in the same pace as she moved her pelvis. 

She moaned softly, not as loud as most Croweaters were doing who could often be heard in the whole clubhouse. A drop of sweat left her hairline and rolled down her neck. 

Tension built up, and not only inside him. He followed her rhythm, faster and faster. The expression on her face became ecstatic, and the sight of it pushed him over the edge. His hands hugged her bottom and he pulled her closer, to thrust deeper inside her. His muscles contracted, a few times in a row. For a moment his sight blurred, his head was swishing, and an intense feeling shot through his body. 

With half-open eyes he looked up to her, while his chest went up and down heavily. She'd closed her eyes, curved her back, her head in her neck. Her upper body jolted and her soft moans made him smile.  

There was a hint of shyness in her eyes when she looked at him after her release, as if she felt ashamed of fully surrendering herself to him. He took her hand and kissed the back of it. She lowered down on him, her cheek on his chest. With his other hand he brushed her hair. 

I love you. The words were on the tip of his tongue, but he kept them to himself. He'd told her before, but that had been some kind of last resort to keep her from pushing him away. He didn't want to daunt her by repeating those words. They weren't together for a long time, and he could imagine it would take some time before she dared to admit she loved someone again. 

Still he had the feeling he needed to say something. With his index finger he glided down her spine. "Did you like it?"

She raised a little, her face was only an inch away from his. "Did it look like I didn't?"

He shrugged, hesitating. "You once told me you're good in fakin' it..."

Her thumb brushed his bottom lip. "Yes baby, I liked it. A lot. You too?"

Her lips came closer, although they didn't touch his. Her eyes stared awaiting at him. 

"Absolutely... it was great."

For a moment he was got caught in a meaningful smile, that disappeared from sight when she kissed him. "Good. Cause I'm not done with you yet, Juan Carlos."

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