152 • Dana

251 15 2

When Dana got downstairs, Juice and Cherry were already gone.She smiled excitedly; everything went according to plan. Cherry would lure Juice away so Dana could make preparations. She wanted to take him for a romantic picnic, but it would ruin the surprise if he saw her pack wine and chocolates and more stuff like that. 

On the dinner table was a short note. 

I'm making some arrangements for today, should be back within half an hour. 

Love you!

Dana turned away from the piece of paper, hoping his plans weren't too big. Well, if they were, they could always extend Valentine's Day over two days. Her plan could also be carried out tomorrow, and she had to admit she was curious to what he had in mind. 

Humming, she packed a bag. After half an hour everything was ready and she sat down on the couch. She hoped Cherry still wouldn't mind to stay at home, even though she had tried to convince Dana she would be find at least ten times. 

An hour passed by. 

And another. 

Her optimistic humming had died away a while ago. Cherry had known about her plans, right? Why did she keep him busy for so long? She tried to banish the nerves out of her body, but nervousness had taken over, creating a cramping feeling in her stomach.

When there was a knock on the door, she jumped up from the couch. Immediately her enthusiasm returned. She suddenly wanted to see Juice so badly she almost ran to the door, swaying it open. 

There was a package on the ground. Dana lifted the corner of her mouth, picked it up and looked around the garden. There was no one to be seen.

"Goof," she chuckled, since she could clearly picture how he had jumped into the bushes to hide himself. She played along and took the present inside, cutting the ribbons and tearing off the wrapping paper. There was a heart shaped box in it, with an image of chocolates on top of it. 

"Open me," was written on it with a sharpie, and Dana carried out the order.

She lifted the lid from the box and watched the chocolates that were waiting for her. They were sprinkled with a dark sauce, she noticed as she wanted to take one. It stuck to her fingers and Dana stared at it for a while, wondering why Juice would put something like this in front of the door. It was so unlike him. She looked at her fingers again, to the dark red stuff. 

On a whim, she turned around the lid. On the cardboard, a message was written. 

Happy Valentine's day!

No less than two men in whose heads you've gotten, Dana. It's about time to choose.

If you choose me,  I will give you a happy life. 
If you choose him, I will deliver him at your house inside a body bag tonight.

The choice is yours. Get into the limousine if you decide to spend the rest of your life with me. You'll have my word that I will spare your lover's life. 

Enjoy the chocolates. It will be the last time you can taste your boy. 


The box slipped out of her hands. Horrified, she stared at it. Blood. The chocolates were drenched in Juice's blood!

"Oh god," she whispered. "Oh god."

She doubled over as if he punched her in the stomach, clawing with her fingers through her hair. Maddox had found Juice. It was not a trap, she was sure of it. This was so Maddox. It was so unexpected, so unbelievable harsh. Squeezing her eyes, she took a deep breath. 

Don't panic, Dana. Don't panic. You don't know how long that limousine will keep waiting for you. 

If she missed her ride, Juice would pay for it with his life. 

It was clear as day what Maddox wanted from her. He suggested a trade. She would give up her freedom and Juice would get his freedom back. 

And she had to decide now. 

All though it might be the easiest decision she had ever made. She didn't know if Maddox would really let Juice ago, but she had to try. Maybe he would spare him if she returned to him. 


The room was spinning around Dana as she stood up. 

The next moment she found herself on the street, opening the door of a limousine without any memories of her way towards it. She felt broken, her head was too full to allow even one more thought. 

Juice's blood that had been poured on the chocolates as a macaber sauce, was the only thing she was seeing.

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