010 • Dana

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Dana turned around, she wanted to walk away. Maybe her just red-dyed hair – that was still wet – would save her.

"Calm down," Cherry said softly. "That's Unser. He's blowing in now and then. Guess the club's throwing money at him to make him turn a blind eye."

Suspiciously Dana looked at the paper in his hand. She really thought to have seen a picture of her. Or was it just her imagination, just like tonight? She became unsure of herself.

Unser walked to the bar and spoke to Chucky, who nodded and went through a door behind him. The cop looked around while he waited and gave the two women a friendly nod when he noticed them. It was an innocent greeting as if they were normal visitors.

Slowly she breathed out. His best years were probably far behind him, it couldn't take long before he would retire. He wouldn't easily drag her outside if she fought him, but she would've felt safer when some of the guys were around.

It didn't take long before that wish was granted. Jax and Happy entered the clubhouse, together with Chucky, and walked to Unser.

This is about me. Otherwise Happy wouldn't be here.

Dana turned away from the man and tried to catch their words.

"There's an APB out for Dana Lowman. Our database shows that you're her brother, Happy."

The cop mumbled a lot, she could barely hear what he was saying. Although it wasn't that hard to fill in the gaps.

"You know anything 'bout that?"

It was Jax who answered: "What charges?"

"The murder of Casper Pilgrim."

The words blast through the room. Dana squeezed her hands until her fingernails cut into her flesh. Her eyes flashed to Cherry. What was she thinking, now that she knew that she'd spent time with a murderer?

The girl widened her eyes a little. Her face went pale. Still, she kept silent, as did the men.

Should she have told them about her crime? Yesterday she'd only told Opie, and he'd been careless about it. He felt bad for her, but he hadn't given her the feeling he blamed her. Nervously she waited until the conversation would resume.

"I haven't spoken with my sister in years," Happy broke the silence.

Dana didn't dare to move. She was 100% sure that Unser glanced suspiciously at her.

"Hmm," he mumbled, not sounding very convinced. "Well, if you hear from her, let me know. The longer she waits, the more trouble she's getting into."

His words were buzzing in her head. In a daze, she stared forward. Of course Casper's body had to be found, although she'd expected Maddox to cover it up. If she told the cops what had happened to her, he would be arrested as well. Or did he have the cops in his pocket? She tried to flinch the tears away.

I'm wanted for murder.

If she'd hoped to live a normal life one day, that hope was crushed now. She could be a fugitive or a prisoner, that were the only choices she had. She supported herself on her knees, feeling sick.

A shudder went through her body when she felt a hand on her shoulder. "Relax. He's gone. We'll figure this out, okay?" His beard prickled her skin when Jax kissed her cheek and pulled her close. "Don't worry. But you have to tell us what happened."

Dana wiped a few tears away and nodded. She didn't dare to look at him. She had the feeling a sword hung above her head. 

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