078 • Juice

601 35 3

Juice was still lying  on his made-up bed when the door opened. A little surprised he looked up, but when he saw Dana he quickly sat up straight. Her hair was still damp because she'd showered and she had taken off her make-up. She wore a grey dress he hadn't seen before, with black motives he couldn't recognize. It fitted her perfectly, emphasizing her female forms. From her hips the skirt fanned out, until halfway her upper legs. 

He left the bed and felt a bit stupid, since he was only wearing boxers. His mouth felt dry and it felt like his brains were still piecing a decent greeting together. 

"I – I thought you were sleepin'," he said eventually. 

"I wanted to surprise you." Her arms slipped around him. They felt warm against his cooled skin. "Thought you could use some distraction."

He looked at her. The hungry glance in her eyes made it hard to keep breathing. Even though that was caused by more than her glance alone, it was also because of her challenging smile, her fingers that slightly brushed his spine, the sweet scent that surrounded her... 

He knew what she wanted, and damn, he wanted it too. So badly. But he was still afraid to ruin it, to discover things weren't going like she was hoping...

"Stop it," she whispered in his ear. "Whatever you're thinkin', let it go." Her lips glided down his neck, followed his collar bone. 

He closed his eyes for a moment, did as she said, stopped thinking about anything but the movement of her lips across his chest. He was aware of every inch they moved, of her teeth softly scraping his skin, of her tongue leaving behind a heated trail. He laid his hands on her arms, moved them up to her shoulders. She was wearing a strapless dress, and his hands glided up to her neck and disappeared in her hair. 

She moved her head upwards and his lips crashed down on hers. Her fingers wandered across his stomach and played with the elastic of his boxers. Although his tongue had swirled gently and imploring around hers at first, their game became more passionate now excitement spread through his body. His breathing sped up, his erection pressed against her underbelly and his hands slid across her dress more purposeful, until he found the edge. His fingers glided underneath the fabric, across the back of her upper legs until he felt the lace of her panties. She bit his lower lip, challenging, and her presence was suddenly so overwhelming he almost lost his balance. The finger tips of both his hands left behind their prints on the paper-thin fabric, through which he could feel her warm skin.

His heart beat in his chest fanatically when his hands slipped into her panties. With both hands he held her buns, and it took everything he got not to rip off her underwear, to push her on the bed and get into her immediately. He could see what would happen otherwise: being done before they even got that far, for it was at least a month since he'd been intimate with someone – and he didn't even know with whom. 

Her lips had left his in the meantime, trailing teasing kisses across his neck. He was sure violet marks would be a reminder of this tomorrow. He moaned softly when she sucked a little too long, and he moved up his hands to take off her dress. The garment fell on the ground. He folded his arms around her and pulled her warm body close. 

She looked at him, her eyes shining, just like her smile. With his nose he brushed hers. 

"You're so beautiful," he whispered. "Are you... are you sure you want this?"

Her fingers glided down his stomach, underneath the band of his boxers. He held his breath when she took his hard length in her hand and teased him, moving her hand back and forth. Her eyes flickered mischievously. "I never wanted anything so badly. If you refuse me again, I'm really going to Kip and Cherry for a threesome."

Juice found it hard to focus on a conversation while her hand was moving like that. Maybe it was better not to answer. He was tempted to her lips again and his hand moved to the clasp of her bra. A second later her breasts were freed. He panted softly while he loved them, first with his fingers and later with his tongue.

"Stop," he moaned when he was almost about to come, and he pulled her hand away from his boxers. 

She chuckled, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him so he could calm down a little. He felt her hard nipples against his chest and moved his hands to her buns again. While pulling her even closer, he lost his balance and they fell backwards, on the bed. 

"Fuck," he grunted when their heads bumped. His tooth had penetrated his lip. 

"Don't be so impatient."

"Tooth in my lip, I mean," he said, a little unnecessary. 

Her grin showed him she already knew that. Her tongue swiped away the blood from his lip, and the little wound stung. "Maybe there's a vampire hidden in me."

"If not I'll make you one." His teeth sank gently  into the skin between her neck and shoulder, and from there he found a route to her breast, to her nipple, and he placed his mouth around it. He felt how her lips pressed a kiss on his head tattoo. Her hand was lying in his neck and forced him to keep sucking. She raised a little, a knee on both sides of his hips, and he heard her aroused breathing in his ear. 

He looked up to see her face. Her lips had parted a little, her eyes were closed, her purple red strands were curling down. 

She had to feel he was watching her, or perhaps she wondered why his lips had left her skin, but she opened her eyes and showed him a lascivious glance. A vibration went through his chest. The thought that somebody who was so hurt, was still longing for him, was craving for his touch... was something he would never understand. He was still afraid to surrender to his passion, afraid he would touch her in a way that would rake up memories and...

Suddenly her lips were on his again, cutting off his thoughts. Her fingers moved over his right hand, that was lying on her side, and she led him downward, across her stomach, until the lace of her panties tickled his finger tips. 

- - - - 

Sooo some smut in the next chapter, yay or nay? 

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