003 • Dana

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Dana pressed her lips on each other. How could she talk him out of this? "Please, keep things this way for the time being, Tom. If his pals find out where I am..."

"You're safe here. There's a room you can use." He laid a hand on her shoulder and squeezed it shortly. His worried eyes found hers, and she felt tears welling up. She turned her head away.

She had behaved abominably, and all this time she had thought he hated her. There was no sign of that yet.

"I'll get my stuff," she mumbled. She could no longer bear his glance. A second later she realized she had no things to get. She had no underwear, no extra clothes, nothing.

"You need something?" He must have noticed her shilly-shallying.

She hesitated, she didn't want to ask more from him. It felt as if she was making debts she could never pay off. She hated to be so dependent. But she had to, for now. Her life was more important than her pride, even though it was hard to just change her way of thinking.

"I got nothing," she mumbled. "Not even clothes."

"Go get something. I'll send one of the guys with you." He looked at his watch. "I have to take care of some business myself and the shops are closing within an hour."

Dana nodded reluctantly. Just bite the bullet. She looked up again. "I stole his bike. He'll have people looking for it."

"I'll handle it. You'll be fine, kid." He turned around and walked to a group of men.

Since she felt uncomfortable by all the heads that turned to her, she left the building. With trembling hands, she rubbed her face. She felt so touchy, it was really frustrating. Usually, she wasn't emotional at all, in fact, she had been very talented in building walls around her.

But you killed Casper, Dana. Did you really think that wouldn't affect you?

"Wanna have one too?" A man with blonde, brushed-back hair held a pack of cigarettes in front of her. His blue eyes looked awaiting at her.

"Yea, thanks." She wasn't just grateful for what he offered her, but also for disrupting her thoughts. She pulled out a cigarette and shove it between her lips before he could see her fingers tremble.

He held a lighter close, nodded at her and let his hand slide into his pocket. "Jax."


He pointed with his thumb over his shoulder. "Hap's ya brother?"

She just nodded. What would they think of her, a sister that just came here out of nowhere? She had always hated those types who only contacted someone if they needed something – and now she was doing exactly the same.

Someone nudged her elbow and reached out a helmet. "Guess we're going to shop?" Opie winked.

It cheered her up a little. She liked his company, and she had already talked with him a bit. She said goodbye to Jax and walked to the bikes that were shining on the other side of the parking lot.

Before the fourth in row, Opie stood still. He swung his leg over the Harley and gesticulated that she had to sit behind him. Dana put out the cigarette beneath her foot, placed the helmet on her head, climbed behind the man and clutched his cut.

Even though Opie was big and tall, she felt vulnerable now she was leaving the parking lot and about to return to the public highway. The Harley was fast and agile, but easy to ride off the road with a truck. Something Maddox's men would remorselessly do.

She took a deep breath and listened to the backfire when the bike was started. The vehicle vibrated.

Put yourself together, Dana. Giving in to your fear won't get you anywhere. 

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