131 • Juice

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Juice ended the call and slid the device into his pocket. The day after their adventure on the beach he had bought a new phone and given the number to Kozik. His friend still called him weekly to give an update, and today had been the first time he really had something to say. It had taken a few weeks, but Maddox had finally found and attacked the safe house. Luckily no one had died – at least not on their side. Maddox however knew now she wasn't there anymore, and Kozik thought it would be wise if Juice knew that. Not that they should worry, according to him. 

"But they are dangerous people," Kozik had told him – as if they didn't know that already. "Somebody even hacked our cameras so we didn't see them coming. Maybe it's for the best if we keep our contact to a minimum. Just to be sure. I'll only call you if something happened – like today." 

Juice had agreed, he didn't care too much about it. Which was strange; a few weeks ago he would probably have freaked out. But he felt relaxed, and the fact it had taken six weeks before Maddox had finally found the safe house they had even lured him to, convinced him it would take a while before he had combed whole Mexico. 

If he would ever start with that at all. 

In the meantime he had gotten his hands on a fake ID – and Dana already had one – so even if they got in touch with cops or ended up in the hospital, that didn't directly mean Maddox would find them. The hope that this would end well rose with each passing day, even though there was no indication Maddox would be dead soon. But it was all right. They were living on top of each other for days now and everything went well – fantastic even. Dana was happy, and so was he, he had to admit. Sure, he missed his brothers, but the past period had been incredibly stressful and he had needed a long break. Furthermore the distance was good for the both of them – sometimes they could forget for a while about everything that had happened and make peace with Opie's death and Happy and Tig's captivity. Probably because of the distance, because of the lack of contact with the others. It created the feeling it was all a distant memory, something that never had really taken place. And even when reality did threaten to overpower them, they both knew very well how to drive off their ghosts. 

His lips turned into a smile as two arms slipped around his waist, holding him tightly. "You ready to go?" she asked. 

He turned around and raked a hand through her blonde hair. The red dye had paled and he had to admit he liked her natural hair color even more. Stroking her cheek, he gave her a kiss. 

"Yep. All ready for a few days of rock 'n roll." He winked. She had told him once she had often visited festivals when she was younger, and when he had discovered there was a festival two hours away from here – one of the last since the festival season was almost over – he had decided to take her there. He had never been on a festival himself. Back in the day he hadn't been very interested in music, nor had the guys he had hung out with. But he looked forward to get to know this side of Dana, to have some insight into the girl she used to be and who she still was, deep down. 

His fingers laced with hers as they walked to the car, in which he had stowed their luggage half an hour ago. The call from Kozik already slipped back to the back of his mind, so that Dana wouldn't even sense things were happening in California. With a smile that made him glow from top to toe, she plopped down on the passenger seat, putting up her sunglasses. 

"Let's go!" she yelled cheery. 

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