019 • Dana

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Dana walked to the center of the stage and took a bow. She was smiling from ear to ear and walked down the stairs.

"Thank you, doll. That was a beautiful show." Tig stroke her hair and gave her a wet kiss on her cheek. She wrinkled her nose when the smell of booze surrounded her.

"Yeah, thought so. Even though it was hard to compete with you."

The men laughed.

Jax swung an arm around her shoulder and whispered in her ear: "Any reason you're wearin' the cut of that Puerto Rican? Somethin' goin' on between you two?"

She felt warm marks ascending her neck. First Cherry, now Jax?

"Not at all," she said, awkwardly smiling. Her voice didn't sound like hers. "He stood closest by when I got the idea."

"Good..." His stare held her, it was even a little provoking. He brought his lips to her ear again. "Maybe we can continue this party somewhere else. You and me, hmm?"

Dana didn't want to back off. This was exactly what she'd wanted, an hour ago. Cherry had been right when stating that Jax would take the bait. She however felt Juice was close and she still owed him a dance. But was that really a smart move? He already occupied her thoughts far too much.

Jax felt safer. Just continuing the party, as he said. Casual. Or would she hurt Juice if she went with Jax? Nah, it had just been harmless flirting between them. The only one who was struggling with strong feelings was she. And maybe these would go away after a night with Jax. She had no doubt he was a great lover. She bet he was the most wanted man of SAMCRO and for some reason, it felt good that he was interested in her, instead of all the porn stars.

Or maybe he has done them already.

"First prove the rest of your body is just as flexible as your tongue," she whispered back. She didn't want to give in too easily. "If I like dancing with you, we'll see where it goes."

He smirked. "Always in for a challenge."

Bet ya do. She looked around. Cherry stood close to her and she took her dress from her friend, took off Juice's cut and let her lingerie disappear beneath the fabric. She returned Juice's garment, who put it on again. She considered whether she should say something to him, but Jax already grabbed her hand and pulled her close. He put his arms around her, and his blue eyes claimed her attention.

The music was way too heavy to slow on, but Jax didn't seem to care. He determined his own rhythm, his own dance, and soon it turned out that kissing was also part of that choreography.

It wasn't a great kiss. Not because Jax was such a miserable kisser, but because her heart wasn't in it, and she was only worrying what Juice would think about it. All in all, it was a short kiss, and as soon as she got the chance she looked around. Juice wasn't around anymore. In fact, only Kip and Cherry still kept them company, although they were only seeing - and tasting - each other.

"Afraid your brother will see us?" A boyish grin appeared on Jax's pretty face. "Can handle him."

Dana hadn't thought about her brother for a while, and she didn't really care how he thought about her relationships with the guys. It was sweet that he'd warned them, but after all, it was none of his business. She wasn't intervening with his sexual contacts either.

"Good," she answered. Then she displaced all her thoughts and kissed him.

It wasn't long before Jax took her hand and led her through the crowd, away from the party. The grin on his face was hard to resist and she didn't raise a protest when he pulled her into his room, lifted her and put her against the wall. She felt how his hands slid under her dress, surrounding her buttocks without reducing the intensity of his kisses. She gasped when he turned her around, laid her on the bed, removed his shirt and started to unbutton his pants. With a quick move, Dana pulled her dress over her head. Her hands glided across his muscular chest. Jax leaned over to her, kissed her neck and lowered himself a little so that his skin touched hers.

Dana closed her eyes.

Images raced through her head.

It was no longer Jax who was lying on top of her, but Maddox.

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