110 • Juice

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His head felt heavy, as if it was filled with muck. His fingers moved over the buttons of the Playstation controller, but he was just clicking away without having a clue what he was doing. In the end he lowered the device frustrated. 

He felt even more horrible than in the days before. Maybe because he'd drawn strength from Dana. And now he'd seen how she had opened up to Kozik and not to him, he had the feeling he'd survived on some sedative that turned out to be poison now. He had no idea where they were in their relationship. 

And maybe he should let go of these thoughts, for they'd just lost a friend. But he feared a distance between them, he remembered the wild look in her eyes too well, right before she'd wanted to leave after Opie's death.

His plea had convinced her to stay. 

But if she was rejecting him on a mental level, how long would it take before she would change her mind? 

When she entered his room fifteen minutes later, he decided to bring it up. He already felt she wasn't in the mood to talk, she was wearing a dark green dress that clung to her body and glistened with every move she made. Even though he'd seen here more naked than clothed the past days, his eyes still wandered off to her long legs and his breathing faltered in his throat. 

Damn, she was so beautiful. 

And that expectant look, the way she bit her lip...

"I thought... you could use some distraction." Her index fingers glided through his belt loops close to his pockets and she pulled him closer. 

No matter how steadfast he believed to be, excitement made him hard when his eyes followed the drops of water that came from her still wet hair and glided down her neck and disappeared in her cleavage. He pressed his fingers together to keep himself from touching her. As soon as he would feel her skin, he was lost. 

Her fingertips caressed his cheek, his lip. Her eyes seemed a bit larger than usually while she studied his face. "You... you don't like this dress?"

The glance in her eyes became insecure. Which wasn't so strange, usually his hands had been all over her body by now. He smiled a bit sad. "Even if you wore a garbage bag I will still find you beautiful, Dana." He took a deep breath, looking for words. "I thought... Maybe we should talk first. Before we..." He didn't finish his sentence and shrugged his shoulders. 

She gave him a worried look. Then she grabbed his hand and pulled him to the edge of the bed. "What's on your mind?"

He ran his other hand over his mohawk. "Why don't you want to talk about that day?"

He saw how she tensed. She bowed her head so he could no longer look into her eyes. "What good would that do? It's not going to bring back Opie."

"But..." He sighed and dipped his head as well. "Why do you let Kozik comfort you? Am I doing something wrong, Dane? I want to help you but it feels as if you don't want it..." He pressed his lips together as his voice cracked. He hated being so emotional.

Dana stood up. For a moment he thought she would leave, but she straddled on his lap, with her face toward him. She cupped his cheek with her hand. "You gave me comfort, Juice. More than Kozik or anyone else. I'm not pouring my heart out to him. I just told him what he wanted to hear so he would leave me alone. He isn't consoling me, he's just a pain in the ass." Her thumb followed the curve of his bottom lip. "You are helping me, Juice. You give me what I need and you're the only one I need. And I know the others don't understand. But it's really true. And I will tell you about that day, but not now, okay? This was already such an emotional day. I just want... you. You're all I want." She raked a hand through her hair and looked at him, a bit nervous it seemed. "I love you. You – you know that, right?"

He shrugged his shoulders while his lips formed a crooked smile. "I had my suspicions."

Her smile made his heart jump. He had at least hoped she truly loved him, but now she'd said those words his last doubts were vanishing. She pressed a feathery light kiss to his lips and he gently kissed her back. 

Suddenly the words of Cherry were whirring through his head, that too much sex could hurt her. Dana wouldn't tell him, he knew that, and he intended to be extra careful this time. 

He rolled her over so she was lying on her back. Her eyes looked up to him hopefully, longing for something else than all the grief that had haunted her all day. 

"I love you, Dana," he said. "I will always give you what you need."

A slight smile appeared on her face. "I don't need anything but you, Juice. You're making it very easy for yourself."

He chuckled softly, bent back a little and let his hands glide across her shapely legs. He left a kiss on her knee and trailed more kisses upward while rolling up her dress higher and higher. Excitement drove up his breathing as he neared her groin. Her hands caressed his head a bit compelling as he gently sank his teeth in the edge of her panties and shove it aside. With his fingers he kept the fabric aside as his lips and tongue continued their scouting trip, stroking and sucking. The way she tasted was beyond words as his tongue swirled around her clit. It wasn't comparable to anything, it was just... her. Dana's fingernails scraped across his scalp as she gave him more room while softly cursing. He moved his other hand closer and stroked her entrance before he shove two fingers inside her. Her moans and whispers made him harder than he already was as he sucked her clit, making her arch her back. He smiled against her damp, soft skin hoping this would also convince her to never, ever leave him. 


Hey all! Still enjoying this story? It's going to be a long one!
I started another fanfic about Juice in high school, you would be the best to check it out! It's called 'Last Kiss Goodbye'. 


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