051 • Juice

893 36 2

For a moment Juice considered to give the Croweater what she wanted. His brothers would be at the table for the next hour anyway. But Dana... No, he couldn't blow off steam like he used to. He was now with someone.

The Croweater however perceived his silence as a sign to go ahead, for she knelt down in front of him and brought her hands to the button of his jeans. He froze when he heard footsteps, and he quickly pushed away the girl. "Don't need anything, I said. Got other stuff to do."

The wench pouted her mouth and he felt relieved when she stood up. 

"You got other stuff to do?" a voice spoke from the doorway. 

Oh fuck.  His eyes widened when he saw Dana, leaning against the door frame, her arms crossed. 

"Not: 'I have girl?' Damn it Juice! I never expected this from you!" She stared him in the eye. There were no tears running down her face, as had happened to his ex sometimes when he'd cheated on her. Neither did she walk away, she just stood there, as a statue, with an inscrutable glance in her eyes. She turned to the Croweater. "Get the hell out of here."

For a moment she seemed willing to give her a smart answer, but Dana looked kinda scary and the girl quietly slipped past her. 

"Thought Clay was teasing you last time, but I guess you find it very normal to get your dick sucked during work?"

Juice felt his cheeks glow. Internally he cursed himself. Why hadn't he  pushed that bitch away in the first place? The taunts of his brothers still had been in his mind, he wasn't thinking clear. Stupid old habits...

"Nothin' happened," he said. 

"Only because you heard my footsteps." She closed the door and walked toward him. There was a fire in her eyes, and he couldn't help but think that she looked damn hot when she was mad. Keep your dumb thoughts in control, you idiot. A meter away from him she stood still. "You are the one who pretends wanting to do things slow. And in the meantime you let other girls..."

"I'm not doin' anything with other girls!" he interrupted. His eyes shot to his laptop. He had no time for this. He had to find leads and give them to the guys. "Just stupid old habits, okay? She just wanted to help me relax and I already told her I didn't need her."

"She just wanted to help you relax," Dana repeated, snorting. She raked a hand through her hair and cursed. "What the hell was I thinking."

"Dana..." He stood up and wanted to extend his hand to hers, but she grabbed his wrist and pierced his skin with her nails. 

"Go fuck yourself, Juice. You're as much an asshole as all the others."

Now the tears did jump into her eyes.

Juice took two deep breaths. What could he say? He knew what it looked like. Why had she entered the office right at that moment? He rubbed his head, frustrated. "Wanted nothin' from her," he said softly.

"She was already on her knees!"

"I didn't ask for that!"

She snorted. The hurt look in her eyes squeezed his heart. 

"If that's really true, why didn't you tell her you were with me?"

"You don't want that, right? You wanted to keep our relationship secret outside the club."

Not that he'd thought about that, but she didn't know that.

Or maybe she did, for she laughed scornfully. "Sure, Juice. As if you thought about that. You don't look that far ahead. Will that be your excuse to screw whoever you want?"

"Of course not," he answered annoyed. He'd told her he loved her. Something he hadn't said in years to a woman. Did that mean nothing to her? His mind had just been miles away, that was all. He would never have let the Croweater get that far. He sighed deeply and looked to his computer. "I have to get back to work. The guys are waitin' and they aren't too happy with me."

"They're not the only ones. You're on a roll today, huh?" She turned away from him, piled up a lot of papers, took her laptop and walked to the door. 

A little lost Juice watched her leave. He wanted to go after her, talk it out, but he had no idea what more he could say and he really needed to dig deeper into that Owan Gregor, before they would really whip his ass. 

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