061 • Juice

896 35 4

Despite the many women he'd slept with, the intimacy with Dana was of a whole different level. Usually he didn't care much about the other, his own pleasure was central and as long as he didn't hurt anyone, he was fine with it. 

But he'd never known it could be so exciting to hear your partner, to feel your partner enjoy. It gave their togetherness a much deeper dimension. Every sigh, every moan chased chills across his back, turning up the heat inside him. 

He was still overloading her breasts with kisses, and even so her neck, her stomach. He wanted to claim every inch of her body with his lips and tongue. Her hands slid underneath the waistband of his jeans and boxers, kneading his behind. The healing gun wound started to throb when she touched it, and she whispered an apology against the skin of his neck. 

He moved up his head again, and his mouth was immediately drawn to hers. She wrapped her arms around him and looked at him. Her eyes were sparkling. With his thumb he brushed her cheek. 

"It's been one o'clock," she whispered. "How late do you have to get up?"

"Hmm. Don't wanna think about that." His lips wandered to her collarbone again. 

"They"ll come to kick you outta bed."

"They wouldn't dare. Not when you're here."

"And they know that?"

He shrugged his shoulders and silenced her with a hot kiss. He didn't want to stop. He had the feeling all of this could be over any moment. Not only because he was afraid he would fuck things up again, or because she would find out he wasn't as nice as she thought, but also because he was constantly thinking about the danger she was in. Maddox might have sent more people to the funeral. Then he would know it was a motorclub where she was hiding. There had been lots of Nomads, but the charter that was closest to Bakersfield was the one in Charming. It would be a logical next step and at moments like these that knowledge paralyzed his thoughts. 

It didn't elude her. She pressed a kiss on his nose to get his attention. "What's goin' on in that head of yours?"

Instead of answering, he kissed her lips again. His tongue slid into her mouth and her touch made all the bad thoughts go away. She kissed him back, but when he looked at her somewhat later, the same question was in her eyes. 

He rolled off her and laid down on his back. Her hair tickled his neck when she laid her head on his shoulder and looked up to him. His hand followed the curve of her side while he looked for a way to express his thoughts. He didn't want to ruin the moment, but he'd insisted she had to share her thoughts when something was bothering her and it felt hypocrite if he didn't do the same. He however was tempted not to expose himself, to act like Maddox wasn't frightening him. But Dana was no idiot, and he knew there was no point in pretending all of this shit wasn't affecting him. 

"The thought that I have to enjoy this as long as I can, shot through my head."

"You think Maddox will take me away sooner or later?"

The ease with which she asked that question, shocked him. As if she believed that day was inevitable. 

"No," he lied, and he turned on his side to look at her. "I believe you're safe here. We can protect you. Happy, Opie, me... and the others no less. We're working on a plan and we'll get him." He took some time to breath and sort out the right words for his plea. "But things could go wrong. It almost went wrong, yesterday..." He took a deep breath. Suddenly it felt like there was something in his throat. "There's just a knot in my stomach, all the time. And I'm afraid... afraid to lose you. By doing something stupid myself, or because of him..."

For a long time he'd spent his life in a daze. There had been moments his life was in danger, but the fear of losing someone else... that was something new and he didn't know how to deal with it. 

"I know," she said quietly. Her hand glided down his arm and she reached out for his fingers. "Sometimes that fear is drivin' me crazy. But at the same time I feel so alive when I'm with you. You make me feel things I never thought to feel again. Whatever happens, nobody can ever take these moments away from us. And that gives me strength. It gives me strength to no longer linger in the misery I've been through and it gives me strength not to be paralyzed by all the things that could happen. The here and now, that's all we have." Her lips formed that smile again that could weaken his whole body. "And what we have now, together... that's something new and scary, but also somethin' beautiful." She turned her face toward him and bit his shoulder with a teasing grin on her face. "And somethin' really delicious."

He chuckled, wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close. Then he grabbed the corner of the blanket and draped it over them. Sharing his thoughts with her had eased his mind, even though it didn't change a thing about their situation. Although, that wasn't entirely true. Knowing that he gave her strength, was the greatest gift he could give her.

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