015 • Dana

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"Smells good!" Dana said when Gemma put a self-baked cake on the table.

"Thank you, darling. I'm sure the men will like it." She looked around. "You've done a great job as well."

For the millionth time, Dana's eyes darted through the room. It indeed looked pretty cozy. There were so many balloons and streamers the ceiling was barely visible.

The door opened and the men came in. Immediately a loud chatter sounded. As a king, Tig strode toward them and received their congratulations.

"Didn't need to do this, dolls." He kissed Dana's cheek, and then these of the two other women.

"Don't lie," Cherry smiled. "An old goat like you is always looking for attention."

He shook his head and slapped her ass. Chuckling she pushed him away.

"Didn't know if you're into presents," Dana said to Tig, "but I do. Not that I knew what to buy, but okay." She handed him a package.

There was a childish enthusiasm in his eyes, making her grin. It was no big deal: a black lighter with a flaming ace on the front. The top was made of metal in the form of a winged skull. A flame was ignited by pushing down a wing.

"What a pretty thing. Thanks." He kissed her cheek again. After that, he showed a mischievous smile. "Although I have to admit I was hoping for another present."

"I'm sure you did." She rolled her eyes and pushed away a whining feeling in her stomach. That's not what he means. Although she knew he had no problem sleeping with women who were half his age, she couldn't imagine he would suggest such a thing so openly. Not when her brother was around. "What were you hoping for?"

"Let's say those poles over there aren't just decorations. I'm curious to see what you would do with them."

A silence fell. The eyes of Kip, who stood next to Tig, flashed aside, to Happy. His jaws tensed, his eyes narrowed.

Tig's suggestion however didn't mean the end of the world to Dana. Actually, she enjoyed the fact that he wasn't afraid she couldn't deal with such jokes because of her past. "Well... maybe you'll find out." She winked. "Let's make a deal. I'll give all of you a sexy show... if you put on a pretty pole dance act yourself."

For a moment Tig stared at her, not knowing whether she was serious or not.

"Well?" she insisted. "You ain't gonna say you don't dare, do ya? We have a deal?" She held out her hand.

"Deal." He shook her hand.

The guys whistled and cheered.

"Not until tonight," she reminded them. "First we need to try Gemma's cake."

While they gathered around the table to get a piece of cake, she caught the glance of her brother. She gave him a nod to show she was okay. She wasn't a well-behaved housewife, and she wasn't going to act like one. It was about time she loosened up, that she would feel just as free as the others did.

Only when she picked up a saucer and bumped her elbow against Juice's, she realized he would be watching too. She felt regret immediately. Her stomach turned in strange ways when he was around, and the last thing she wanted was her dance ending up in a debacle. She pushed away her uncertainty. All this was just for fun. She didn't need to earn money with it, and she had the feeling this audience was easy to please.

With her pie and a beer, Dana walked to a high table to make room for the others. Before she could take a bite, Opie came up to her and tapped his bottle against hers.

"By the way, I saw a vacancy at a diner just up ahead," he started. "Can imagine hangin' around here is gettin' ya bored, especially when we're at work."

"I'm the most terrible waitress you can think of. They probably present an award on the day nothing slips off my tray."

Opie started to laugh.

"Maybe Juice could use a hand," Jax suggested, who showed up as well. "Sometimes it helps to have someone in the office when he's got another job to do. I'm sure he's willing to help you around."

Eh, how about no? Dana felt her cheeks brush. Great. That was all I needed.

Hastily she tried to come up with an excuse. Before she could think of one, Jax had drawn Juice's attention. "You can help her out, right? Make sure she's got something to do in the office?"

"You really don't have to," she quickly said.

Juice smirked at her. "Nobody will reject such a beautiful assistant."

Opie started to laugh. "Yea yea. I know what you're thinking. You hope she'll enjoy her pole dance act tonight so much that she'll give you a private show during work."

Juice grinned, nodded confidently and moved his eyebrows up and down. "You got me ." He took a sip of his beer, looked at her and smiled.

She felt even hotter by the look in his eyes and that sexy smile. She had no idea how to react and decided to move the conversation in a different direction. "If not, Tig might be willing to volunteer. Maybe you will be more impressed by his sensual dance than by mine."

"Hard to imagine. Bet he'll only perform his dance when he's too drunk to climb on the stage."

Dana raised her eyebrows. "No fucking way. I'll pull him on stage before he's that far." With her fork, she pulled away a piece of cake and put it in her mouth. The chocolate melted on her tongue. She was glad the conversation was no longer about her working plans. Spending one hour alone with Juice made her more nervous than a pole dance in a crowded clubhouse. 

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