069 • Happy

699 38 5

Happy's phone was buzzing. It was a message from Tig; the hall emptied out. He ordered the sergeant-at-arms to stay close to make sure nobody would interrupt them. Normally it wasn't up to him to give orders, especially not since Tig was a member for a much longer time than he, but the man didn't complain and understood his thirst for revenge. 

When he was notified the building was empty, save for some hookers who were pleasing their clients, Happy picked up a bottle of wine and slashed it to the wall, above the head of his unconscious captive. With a loud moan the man looked up. Several bumps had appeared on the side of the man's head, caused by the times Happy had sent him back to oblivion. 

"Listen to me," Happy grunted, hovering over the man. "If you speak loud I'ma blow off your balls." He pushed the gun against the crotch of the man. "Got that?"

The man looked at him with cracked eyes. He was undoubtedly tormented by a hell of a headache. 

Happy smirked satisfied. "Good. Let's talk." He crouched down in front of him. The man sat up a little straighter. Happy had tied his hands on his back, so his position wasn't going to be much more comfortable. 

He took his phone out of his pocket and showed the man a picture of Dana. He'd made it this morning, before she disappeared beneath a layer of make-up. "You know her?"

The man tilted his head to the left so he could look past the wet strands of his hair. "Should I?"

"Yeah. Imagine her with blonde hair."

"Hmm. Hot chick."

Happy snatched a piece of glass from the ground and stabbed it forward, right through the man's pants, in his balls. "Watch your mouth, my friend." He pressed his gun to the lips of the whining man so he would shut up and jiggled the shard deeper into the soft flesh. "Ssh... Not gonna ask again."

The man sucked in oxygen. His eyes were almost popping out of his head, while his blood mixed with the pool of wine he was sitting in. 

"I wouldn't know," he grumbled. "I see bitches all the time."

"Think a little harder. Maddox. That ring any bells?"

The eyes of the man widened, although his glance briefly wandered to the shard that was still sticking out of his pants. 

"I guess so," Happy concluded with a satisfied smirk. "Good boy. Now, where can I find him?"

The corners of Montez' lips curled up. "You're an idiot if you think you'll ever get close to him."

"Wrong answer." With the back of his gun Happy hit the man's head. A piece of his tooth broke down and his lip split. With a grunt he turned his head away. 

He spitted out the piece of his tooth. "He possesses a few neighborhoods. We've always met on different places."

A few neighborhoods. Happy felt his blood boil. How does that prick get a few neighborhoods? The connections he had must go very deep. Maybe even into the city counsel. How the hell did that asshole manage to build an imperium like that in such a short time? He was barely thirty. 

"And what were you doin'?" Happy let go of the shard. 

"That's none of your business."

Happy sniffed. "One more word and you're done doing business with that little thing over there." He nodded to his crotch. 

Behind him Chibs chuckled. 

"Don't be afraid Maddox will get even with you for ratting on him," Happy entrusted him. "You gonna die tonight anyway. It's up to you with how much pain that's gonna happen." He took a zipper out of his pocket and held the little flame close to the pant leg of the man, until it started to smolder. 

Fascinated Happy watched how the flame consumed more and more of the fabric. He leaned on the man's leg so he couldn't kick out the fire. "So, tell me... What kind of business is Maddox in?" 

"I brought him whores," the man lisped, wildly trying to rotate his leg to put out the flame.

Happy inhaled deeply, taking in the smell of burnt flesh. It made him hungry. 

"You brought him whores," he repeated slowly. He'd expected more. Were they just entertainment during his activities? Whatever activities that might be? Did he own a brothel? 

"Yes! I told you everything I know!"

Happy glanced over his shoulder. With a nod he told Chibs he had to hold the other leg. The Scot crouched down next to him and Happy lit another flame right beneath the hem of his other leg. 

"Not everything. How did you get in touch? Where did you meet?"

The man breathed heavily, he started to kick with his legs wilder and wilder. No longer could he ignore the pain, he started to scream and Happy quickly pushed a large hand against his mouth. 

"First answers, Montez. Otherwise I make sure you stay conscious until the last cell of your ugly body is burnt away."


Happy wiped his bloody fingers on his pants and glanced at the blocnote in Chibs' hands. They got three addresses. Montez had told them surveillance was increased the last weeks and that some attic rooms were confiscated by snipers. 

Satisfied Happy looked down on the body. Shards were sticking out of his body as if he was a fucking pincushion. The man breathed loudly through his nose, they'd taped his mouth right after he'd told them everything he knew. It was less than Happy had hoped, but they knew more than before they'd stepped into this place.

A door behind them opened. Tig walked in. "Haven't seen anyone for more than an hour." He stood next to Happy and watched the mutilated body with an admiring look on his face. "Nice."

"You're right in time to see the firework."

Montez moaned in response, but there wasn't much strength in him anymore. That would come back, Happy knew, when his body would fight its last battle. 

He took a few bottles from the rack, broke off the necks and let the contents spill over the man until he was totally soaked. The alcohol burned in his wounds and made him crack his eyes. 

Happy knelt down and lighted up the shoe-string. Because of the alcohol the flames spread immediately and Happy stepped back, until he stood shoulder to shoulder with his brothers again. 

In silence they watched how the flames raced over the body, how the man started to struggle and scream again. They just stood there, until there was so much smoke they could no longer see Montez. His noise had already died away. 

"One down," Happy said with a grim face while leaving the wine cellar. "Whole lotta motherfuckers to go."


Hi! You guys still there? Hope you'll still enjoying the story, please let me know what you think of it or what you expect to happen :)!

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