063 • Dana

812 32 1

Dana rubbed her upper arms while she watched how Happy got out of sight. A few seconds later the rumbling of three bikes filled the air, which faded out not longer after that.

"They gonna kill him?" she asked Juice timidly. 

He looked her short in the eye, then he nodded. "Yeah."

She sighed. She didn't like the idea they wanted to kill people for her. She was fine with them beating the guy up, but killing... That man had a family too; a wife and children. She didn't want to be responsible for their pain.

There however wasn't much she could do about it. It wasn't like they valued her opinion much. Happy wanted him dead because of his ties to Maddox. It didn't matter what she wanted. The club obviously supported Happy out of solidarity. It made her feel sick. 

"Happy's gotta hear what he wanna hear. If he deserves to die, he will."

Dana rolled his eyes. "The fact that he even looked at me once is for Happy reason enough to want him dead."

Juice shrugged his shoulders. Apparently he felt the same way. 

"Come on. Let the men do their jobs. You need some distraction. We've got a couple of hours before I have to hack the camera's." His fingers slid into her belt loops and he pulled her close. His nose stroked hers. "You know what I want to do with you, but if we do that I'm sure I will be late again." He smirked.

She bit her lip when she saw the mischievous look in his eyes. She felt how he held his breath shortly when their eyes locked. "I think you're right," she whispered. With her lips she slightly brushed his, then she pulled back her face, teasing. "So, what now?"

Juice shrugged. "Ain't nothing you wanna do? Or used to do, in the past?" He smirked. "No strange hobbies?"

Hobbies... That word sounded like something from a past life. There had been things she'd liked to do, like playing basketball and going to concerts. She'd done neither of them for more than two years.  

"Strange hobbies?" she repeated. "Well... I've done archery for a few years. As a child I idolized Robin Hood," she admitted. 

Juice raised his eyebrows, a surprised smile played his lips. "Archery? So we should have given you a bow and arrow instead of a gun?"

"Yeah, I can deal with that much better." She grinned. "But it isn't very low profile, ya know, if I walk down the street like the Green Arrow."

"Not really." He took his phone out of his pocket and started to type on the screen. "Fifteen minutes from here is an achery ranch. Let's go."

Dana doubted that was a wise idea, but Juice's face expressed so much enthusiasm she was easily persuaded. 

"Give Cherry a call to see if she wants to join us? A small group is less conspicuous. I ask some of the guys."

Dana didn't believe they could go anywhere unnoticed as long as half a motorclub was on the road, but she kept those words to herself. She had to admit she loved to do something spontaneous with these people, instead of hanging around in the clubhouse all the time. They'd became her friends, but since they were always here it felt like she knew only one side of them. 

"Great plan." She wrapped her arms around his waist and kissed his cheek. 

He smirked. "Yeah, sometimes I have one." 


She laughed when she saw his indignant face and he playfully slapped her ass when she walked away, out, so she could call Cherry without the music distorting the conversation.

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