I Can Explain?

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[Art by Captainmmarshie on Twitter]

Out of all the days, Sonic could have choosen to meet up with Gadget it had to be the night after Gadget's and Infinite's copulating session. A bell rang throughout the house alerting the couple that someone was at the door. "I'll get it, Ira!" Gadget exclaimed as he made his way towards the door. He had put on a turtle-neck sweater to hide the evidence of last night. The Wolf was a little hesitant to open the door as he thought of all the ways this day could end bad but, he shook those thoughts away, opened the door, and let his friend come inside.

"Hey, you got a pretty nice house. I never expected you to be here ever since the war ended." Sonic commented which made Gadget smile. Once the war ended and Gadget went on with his life, he found Infinite and offered to take care of him. They both started dating a little while afterwards and although the Resistance was worried, they supported him no matter what. Everything was going smoothly for the couple and they have never been more happier.

"Me too. I kinda suspected maybe I would just write a book or something really. Ira really changed me ya know?" Gadget replied, his thoughts tracing back to his boyfriend and realized how long Ira was taking to get downstairs. "IRA! What's taking so long!?" Gadget questioned as he slightly pulled down his seeater. Why did it have to be such a hot day? The Red wolf was sweating like crazy and the sweater was not making anything better. "In a minute! Just have to clean something up!" Infinite replied, Gadget slightly blushed knowing they were to lazy to clean up the white liquid they both released.

"So as I was...saying. What is it?" Gadget asked again, noticing Sonic's confused glare on him. "Why do you look so tired and have bite marks all over your neck?" Sonic asked and that's when Gadget realized, he pulled down the sweater way too much. Gadget blushed madly and tried using his fur to block the marks from showing. He remembered last night's events, his boyfriend lightly biting his neck to claim the wolf as his own. Gadget just being a moaning mess which made Infinite snap and things escalated from there.

"Oh um, haven't you noticed the lovely day." Gadget replied, trying to change the topic but, he just made Sonic more curious. "Oh hey Sonic, sorry about what I did to your Rookie." Infinite added as he walked towards the kitchen. Sonic blushed realizing what he meant and Gadget just died a little from the embarrassment he just felt. "Does that mean-" Sonic was stopped mid-sentence by Gadget inhaling and exhaling really loudly. Noting that he was very pissed off by his boyfriend and his actions. "I'll be right back!" Gadget said, putting on a fake smile to hide his anger.

"That motherfucker.." Gadget mumbled under his breath as he walked towards the kitchen to find Infinite. Let's just say that Infinite ended up sleeping on the couch.

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