Liars Liars

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Gadget's Pov:
What have I gotten myself into? Why am I here? Why did I agree to do this? My name is Gadget the Wolf and I don't know what day it is. I don't even know if the war is over. I don't know if the others are even coming to save me. I slowly open my eyes to the sunlight shining on me. I look around to see my usual surroundings in my cell. The bars, the concrete floor, the small window, and a few pebbles here and there. I sit up carefully and then, stand up as I hear the chains hit against each other. I walk toward the small window and try once again to be on tippy-toes but, I end up being pulled onto the ground. "Damn, chain limit," I mumbled, glaring at the chains at my wrists. "I just want to see the outside world again and maybe see if my friends are coming. Even attacking!" I spoke, looking at the small window. I hear a huge door slam close and the yelling of other people thrown into the cell. "Leave him the hell alone"! "Don't you dare touch or hurt him"! "He'll soon get revenge on you so, don't even bother"! My heart skips a beat as I smile and I sit down. I wait for him to open the doors to my cell. I had my own cell and hall which was so romantic of him. He cares more about me than the others. Why was I even complaining in the first place? The others probably don't care about me and aren't even bothering to rescue me. Sonic was totally lying about it being hell here. It's great and I'm sure he was lying about his torture of six months to just get a reaction.

The doors swing open and I see the jackal walking toward my cell. His mask was still on but, I could tell he was happy to see me. "Welcome back, Infinite," I spoke, still keeping that huge smile on my face. "What do you want to do today? Did you wanna talk or something?" I asked as he stood by my cell. "What is up with you?" He asked, crossing his arms. "Oh nothing, I'm just so happy to see you!" I exclaimed, extending my arms toward him. "Really? I'm just here to bring you food so you won't starve to death." He responded, getting out his keys to my cell. The others couldn't even get food and every time they did, they would be so selfish of it. Infinite is such a good person. "What is it this time?" I asked, moving closer to the door. "Uh, tomato soup, crackers, and a glass of water." He replied, stepping into my cell. He used his powers to bring in my meal and to restrain my arms behind my back. "Infinite, why do you always restrain my arms?" I asked, pouting a bit. But, who am I to complain? He still feeds me and I'm grateful for that.

"Even though I'm done restaining your legs since I trust you won't kick me, I don't trust your hands. Who knows if you'll hit me or try to get the keys to free yourself." He explains as he feeds me the soup. I don't care if I don't like tomato soup or if it tastes bad, at least, he's feeding me. That's all that matters. "But, I won't hit you, Infinite. You've already seen how obedient I am, haven't you?" I replied, sounding desperate. At this point, my dignity should have been broken but, I don't care.

"I would trust you but, I just can't. It'll take a while before I do that, wolf boy." He replies, feeding me the crackers. Aw, he doesn't trust me yet but, who cares. As long as he's feeding me and touching me, it's okay. It'll be lonely in here without someone visiting me. "Okay. Besides, I know someone will kill me if I escape anyway." I respond, finishing the crackers. "Hey, you know, I won't let you get killed. I'm sparing you to use you as information. If anyone even dares to hurt you, I'll kill them myself." Infinite threatened.

I smile and nod slowly as I drink the water. So romantic. He's keeping me all to himself. He feeds me and prevents me from getting hurt or killed. He's way more trustworthy than the others. "I'll give you all the information you need if it means I stay alive to keep seeing you." I reply, quickly winking. Hopefully, he didn't catch that or else he'll think I'm weird and stop visiting me. "I like that attitude. Finally, somebody in these prison cells who is obedient." Infinite spoke, chuckling a hit.

He pats my head softly and uses his powers to open the cell and the empty tray. "I'll always stay obedient. No need to worry, Infinite." I spoke as he closes the cell door on me. He chuckles softly and I smile once again. It's so nice hearing that laugh of his it means he enjoys spending time with me. "I won't. I need to go, I might come back later to get information from you." He explains and walks toward the doors. "I'll be waiting here when you do, Infinite!" I exclaimed and he nods slowly. "Freak..." I hear him mumble as he opens the doors to leave.

I know he's lying when he says that, I could tell in his tone and stance. Such a nice and kind jackal. Feeding me, protecting me from harm, preventing me from getting killed, and overall being way nicer than the others. The others don't care about me. They just care about this pathetic world. Sonic is just being a big liar and everyone believes him. Well, not me, I'm smart enough to see through those lies. And I know that Infinite isn't a ruthless killer, he's just a nice and kind dork! I lay down as I sigh softly and close my eyes.

What have I gotten myself into?

[A/N: These upcoming one-shots are all from Kyle_Auroras. Thanks for the help on ideas!]

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