Not Again!

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Sonic's Pov:
"ROOKIE IS WHAT!" I yelled out in a panicked tone. "Rookie was captured by Infinite, I'm sorry Sonic." Tails spoke, trembling a bit. I sighed and put a hand on his shoulder. "It's okay, Tails. It wasn't your fault, Infinite is really strong after all. One of the toughest villains I ever met." I responded, smiling slightly. Wait, I was captured by Infinite for six months and during those months, he-! "He's gonna torture Rookie!" I exclaimed, my hands at my quills. "Hey, calm down, buddy. He can't be completely sure." Knuckles spoke, trying to reassure me. "But, he captured me and tortured me. What makes you think he won't do the same thing again?" I asked, tears forming in my eyes. I keep remembering what happened during those six months, all that pain that mentally scarred me. "We have to help him, please! I can't let him get tortured for long!" I exclaimed, wiping away my tears quickly. "Well, it surely wasn't too hard to bring you back because of Rookie. I'm sure if you bring his brother it would help during the mission." Knuckles mumbled, pondering as he paced around the room. "Okay. Mission Save Rookie is greenlit. I'll get his brother and you two can go." Knuckles added and looked at Tails who immediately went on his communicator. "Please hurry, I don't want Rookie to suffer any longer." I spoke, looking down. How can a simple battle lead to this? Oh right, Rookie fell unconscious while fighting Infinite and Infinite thought it was the right time to take him away. Capture him. Throw him in a cell. Torture him. Someone poked my shoulder and I turned around quickly only to see Rookie's brother, Gears standing there. "Come on, Sonic! Let's go save my brother." Gears spoke and I nodded. I grabbed his hand and rushed off to Eggman's base where Rookie was being held.

Once we made it to the entrance, Gears was about to speak until I hit the door with a spin dash. "Sonic! Calm down! My brother is strong enough to handle anything by now." Gears spoke. I sighed and nodded slowly as he walked up to me. I grabbed his arm and nodded to him as we ran through each hallway of the building. Stopping each minute to make an enemy back off or to just destroy them entirely if they were too much to handle later.

We finally made it to the cells which held many prisoners. Citizens and ex-enemies alike. "How are we gonna enter without drawing too much attention?" I whispered as we hid in a dark corner. "Hm, I could distract those guards while you let all these people go." Gears suggested, looking at the many cells. "Sure but, I'm looking at each cell and I can't see Rookie anywhere." I responded, panicking once again. "Did Infinite take you anywhere hidden away when you were captured?" Gears asked. "Yeah, down this hallway of cells. I wanna free these people though so what do we do?" I questioned, confusing myself.

"I'll free and distract the guards. You find my brother, okay?" Gears stated and I nodded. I gave him a fist bump as he stepped out of his hiding spot. He immediately used his grappling hook to swing around the guards, making them feel dizzy. I took the chance and ran through them as I tried to find my old cell. I looked both ways until I stopped at a door which had yellow tape and read 'TORTURE ROOM'. I gulped softly but, shook my head realizing I couldn't let these fears take over me.

I backed up and myself into a ball as I rushed over to the door that broke quickly. I stood up once again, only to see Rookie look at me in his cell while Infinite sat in front of him from the outside. Infinite immediately floated upwards as he summoned his small cubes. I got myself into an attack position as I prepared myself to fight. "Boys, no! Infinite, don't hurt him again. Sonic, listen to me." Rookie exclaimed, worried. Infinite lowered himself down and I walked forward to the red wolf. Rookie sighed and looked at us.

"Sonic, I'm okay. Infinite didn't capture, he saved me after falling down unconscious during our battle. He lied to Eggman about it saying that he captured me and was about torture me. So, during this time I had with him, I learned a lot about Infinite. And I can say that he doesn't want this." Rookie explained, fiddling with his fingers. I looked at Infinite as I backed up, not trusting him entirely after what happened between us. "What the wolf said is true. I merely hurt him by accident. I don't wish to kill him so, I took him in to care for him and well, that didn't last for long. I wish not to fight considering I just fought out of anger after what happened to my group. And I just wanna say, I'm sorry for putting you through 6 months of pain." Infinite explained, opening the cell door as he took Rookie's hand to let him out.

I looked at him for a second and then looked down. He seems to be honest for once and very sincere about what happened. "Well as you know, I can't trust you entirely because of what you did to me." I spoke, looking at the cell. "Understandable, Sonic." Rookie replied, knowing full well what happened here. "But, I want to try to trust you so, I'm asking if you wanna join the Resistance to defeat Eggman." I stated, lending my hand out. Infinite seemed hesitant as he looked at Rookie who nodded slowly. The Jackal took my hand and nodded, still grasping onto Rookie who looked away, blushing. "Oh god, my dick!" Someone yelled causing us to look at the now destroyed door.

"Is that my brother, Gears?" Rookie asked with a face full of embarrassment and disappointment.

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