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3rd Person Pov:
Not too many people know this story. Some do but, they don't believe it. Though, everyone should know it as it serves a good message. The year was 2018 and the war between Dr.Eggman and Sonic ended after long, tiring, and horrifying months. Sonic and the Resistance ended up winning which was expected. The good guys always win...well, most of the time. The world was thankful for Sonic and his friends. They were thankful for the Resistance fighting for others. Thankful for when the Resistance saved many people. Thankful for when the Resistance stayed and helped rebuild the country. Yet, Sonic and his friends say they can't take all the credit. It belongs to a red wolf, a rookie on their team who goes by the name of Gadget. He helped save Sonic from 6 months of torture. He helped Sonic defeat Infinite once and for all. He helped put the Phantom Ruby where it needed to be. Far away from everyone else. The country thanked Gadget for his heroic actions which made the red wolf blush and say 'your welcome'. Yet, there was one person who stood out from the grateful crowd. The villain himself, Infinite the Jackal. He didn't disappear or die as many people said he would, he just appeared somewhere else. Infinite has had his eyes on Gadget ever since they met on the battlefield. Something about the red wolf caught his eye and he couldn't look away. Something about those yellow-orange eyes caught him off. Something about his red soft fur caught him off. Something about when he adjusts his glasses during battle caught him off. Those small little victory poses or quotes just caught him off. It didn't make sense but, why should it? Because it just mattered. He never felt this way about anyone not even for someone in his pack.

The more Infinite researched into it, the more he realized what he was feeling. But, he wasn't close to understanding the feeling. It didn't make sense. These scientific or general articles didn't help at all. Infinite continued to grumble and get angry for not understanding this feeling. He got angry when he would get distracted by Gadget and lose a battle. He got angry when Gadget would look too cute to murder or harm. He got angry when Sonic stood close to Gadget. It was such an uneasy feeling.

Yet, he didn't mind. He liked that feeling that he had for Gadget. The red wolf that he silently promised to end the war for. He heard Gadget explaining that all he wants in life is for this war to end. To have peace and happiness come back. He hated fighting. He hated having to kill and harm people. He hated having to stay awake and cry himself to sleep. He hated this war. He hated Infinite. When the Jackal learned about this, it stung him in the heart like a bullet. And so, Infinite promised to end the war very soon.

Which happened but, not in the way he expected to happen. He was defeated by Gadget and Sonic. Later, he found himself back here to where Gadget and the Resistance were. Infinite wanted to anonymously thank Gadget for his help. For helping him escape that horror he experienced. For helping him avoid any more bloodshed, blood, anger, and sadness. And everything he would say would be the truth. Infinite hated being...Infinite. He would rather go by Ira, his real name with no reputation. And so, Ira traveled around to find Gadget until he saw a poster.

A poster stating that the Resistance would arrive with a special announcement. Ira waited for the time to come and headed toward the plaza where the Resistance would be. The Jackal saw the red wolf and blue hedgehog on stage. "Attention, citizens!" They both exclaimed and Ira tried his best not to look up too high. For if he did, his hoodie would fall back and his identity would be revealed. Leaving him hopeless and scared. "Sonic and I have a very special announcement surrounding us!" Gadget exclaimed, happily. A light blush on his cheeks as he continued to giggle.

Ira was confused, scared, and angry. What does he mean by 'us'? "So, early today, Gadget and I had a normal morning. I was planning for this to happen for like my whole life. And I finally did it." Sonic explained, chuckling afterward. "I popped the question!" He yelled out and everyone cheered. Ira was beyond confused at this point. He didn't know what this question was or why everyone cheered for them. "And I said yes! We'll be getting married very soon!" Gadget exclaimed, showing off his ring to the crowd. Ira's eyes widen as he looked up immediately.

He didn't notice his hoodie coming off as his eyes stared at the ring on Gadget's ring finger. No...no...no. Tears pricked his eyes as he continued to stare at the ring. "That's Infinite!" Someone exclaimed and Ira gasped. He realized his hoodie came off and he instantly put it back on before anyone can see. He noticed a finger pointing at him and he slowly backed away. "Someone get that guy!" Another person yelled out. Ira was really terrified and started to run out of the plaza. His hoodie coming off once again yet, everyone was slow to catch up with him.

Even Sonic who was busy looking at his fiance to even notice. Ira's hoodie came undone once again but, he didn't care. No one was around other than his tears. The tears the streamed down his face. His heart that stung and pounded inside him like multiple bullets were shot at him. He finally understood what those articles meant.
He understood that feeling he had for Gadget. He finally understood. It was love and now...Gadget will be getting married soon to Sonic. So, please.

Say or do whatever you want before it's too late. Or else, you will regret it as Infinite did. Crying, his knees to the ground.

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