Didn't Mean To

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Gadget's Pov:
I look at the clock patiently as I lightly tap my foot against the door. He should be arriving at any minute from his work. I hear the door creak open and I stand up from my seat at the kitchen table. "Love, I'm back!" He exclaimed as he shut the door behind him. "Hello, dear. How was work?" I asked, hands behind my back? "Tiring as always, how was your day?" He replied, walking toward me. "I was thinking and well, we need to talk," I responded with a stern tone. "About what?" He asked, his voice slightly unsteady. "About us. We have problems we need to resolve, Ira!" I spoke, pointing to a chair at the opposite end of the table. He slowly nodded and we both sat down at the table. No noise was made between us other than the clock ticking down each minute, each second. "So, what problems do you want to talk about?" Ira asked, his arms crossed. "Communication, work, love life, all that crap." I admitted, putting a hand on my head. "Ira, we really need to fix how we talk with one another. Like seriously, do you even pay attention to me? Do you care about what I say?" I asked. "I do! I may not show it but, I do! I've been asking the same thing as well, you know!" Ira responded, he suddenly stood up from his seat. "Why do you stay out late? I've texted Sonic before and he said you get out early so, he doesn't know why you get out late." I explained, glaring. "Look, I just need to relax with my friends too, you know!" He responded, looking away from me. "Oh really? Is that why you're too tired to hug, kiss, and tell me you love me?" I asked with a desperate tone.

"Wait, so, this whole talk is just about you wanting more attention from me? That's stupid." Ira responded, his expression into one of annoyance. My eyes widen as my breath hitched suddenly. Did he say what I think he said? "What? No! That's just being selfish! Besides you are the one being selfish here, you brat!" I yelled, my hands slamming against the table. "Jeez, are you really getting mad over this? How immature of you! Seriously, just let it go, it isn't a big of a deal!" Ira yelled out.

"It isn't too big of a deal? I'm trying to save this goddamn relationship!" I yelled, my anger keeps growing. He really just doesn't understand? Does he? He doesn't understand that I'm trying to help us! "Yeah right! You literally just said so many things that don't include me but, yourself! You're making yourself look like a brat!" Ira spoke now in a more calmer tone. I gasped softly and I kept glaring at this jackal with so much anger. "Me? A brat? I'm saving us! I'm helping us! You just don't realize it!" I yelled back, tears pricking my eyes.

"Oh no! Don't pull that shit with me, Gadget! You know for a fact, that you are just toying with me! You only think about yourself! We have communication but, apparently, you don't see it. I work for once two so maybe one day we can get married! We have a stable love life so, why are you worried about it?" Ira explained, tears rolling down his face. "Aha, you say I'm selfish? Look who's talking! I don't need any more lies coming from you! I just want the truth right now! Do you really think we're in a stable relationship?" I asked, walking toward him.

He looked away as soon as I was in front of him. "Look at me! Tell me if you think we are in a stable relationship!" I repeated, grabbing his face to make him face me. "I thought we were but, now I'm second guessing it. You're acting like a psychopath. A crazy bitch!" He responded, pushing me away from him. "Me? Crazy? Me...Crazy? Crazy!" I mumbled, glaring at him. "Yeah, crazy! You are acting like this is the end of the world! Like these are the only problems we have!" Ira explained.

"Well, guess what? They're not! We need to work better at being role models for kids! We still have to work together to fix everything! And here you are, bitching about problems that don't need answers because they were fixed from the beginning." Ira spoke, his tone going lower. I looked away and my throat felt like it was closed off. "Gadget, we really need to be better at communication for sure. I mean, look at us!" Ira exclaimed, pointing to himself then, at me. "I know we do! That's what I have been trying to tell you!" I yelled, my hand grabbing my arm tightly.

"You're just so fucking dense sometimes! I can't believe it!" I yelled, anger blinding me from what I'm saying and doing. "Hey, calm down, Gadget." He spoke, softly. "No, you calm down! I just wanted to have a conversation about our problems but, clearly, you can't listen for one minute. Because you might be thinking about tuning me out, ignoring me, and you flat out cheat on me!" I yelled, tears threatening to fall. Wait, no, that's not what I'm trying to say! What's happening? I'm so full of anger and Ira isn't making anything better.

"Gadget, calm it, we don't wanna say anything too rash!" Ira exclaimed, putting his hands on my shoulders. "I WON'T CALM IT BECAUSE YOU'RE NOT LISTENING TO ME! YOU JUST DON'T FUCKING UNDERSTAND BUT, I GUESS I SHOULD HAVE EXPECTED THAT COMING FROM A JACKAL WHO KILLED HUNDREDS OF INNOCENTS!" I yelled out and I immediately covered my mouth. "Wait, no...I...that's not..." I stuttered over my words. I saw Ira back away from me and walk toward the door. "No, wait, Ira, please don't go! I'm sorry! I didn't mean it!" I exclaimed, tears streaming down my face.

"Forget it, we're over, Gadget!" Ira yelled and slammed the door one last time.

[A/N: Kyle_Auroras, is this what you wanted? I hope you enjoy this much better version!]

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