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I sighed as I fiddled with the chains on my wrists and legs. I was strong enough to break out of them but, I refused to do so. This was the only place where I could see him on a daily basis. Perhaps, not in a good way but, I got to see him. He was never in a good mood when he saw me. I accept that type of reaction because I do the same. Yet, we started to chat and I thought we were growing closer. We were...maybe a little too close. A little too personal.

He told many stories. Many stories about his time when he fought with the Resistance. Many stories about our fights and battles, saying how he enjoyed being challenged even if I was being a dick and made it unfair. Many stories about his friends and family who were murdered by me during the war. I mumbled an apology to him yet, he shook his head as he said he didn't need my fake and empty words. Poor thing, don't you understand the pain, guilt, and regret I feel right now? Though I just sighed and we left it at that.

Then one day, he said the unexpected. "I should go, my boyfriend is waiting for me. We shall continue this tomorrow to see how your progress is going." He spoke as he got up from his spot. "Wait, who is he?" I asked as he was still at the doorway. "Just the person who helped me stop you during the war." He replied, not even turning around. And just like that, he left me alone once again. I shivered at the sudden cold feeling that surrounded me. Why him? Why did he pick a brat as his boyfriend? Why?

I remember that was when it first started. I had a coughing fit and no one was around to check or help me. I finally stopped when it fell out. That damn petal. That damn flower petal. It was a small sunflower petal. I didn't think too much of it at the time. I should have but, I didn't. Another day arrived but, this time it was different. He didn't expect to walk in to see a bunch of sunflower petals surround me. He expected my normal cold and dirty textile floor. Not this...yet, neither of us worried at all.

I always will wonder why. We talk again and again. We talk about our lives, wishes, hopes, and dreams. How weird, right? I would never accomplish them because I'm trapped here. Yet, he walks out there as free as he is. I remember one of his wishes, oh how I wish I didn't. "I want to marry my boyfriend and raise a family with him!" He exclaimed with glee and a red blush on his face. My ears drop yet, I give him a smile and a thumbs up. He has no idea what he does to me. He has no idea how he makes me feel.

He leaves and once the door closes, I go into another coughing fit. I thought I was dying at the time. This one lasted longer than the first one. It stopped once I threw up an entire sunflower onto the ground along with some small petals. What a terrifying sight it was. Blood and vomit splattered all over the innocent color of white and yellow. I was in fear at that moment but, what was I supposed to do? Why was I like this? I must think back to when I first started doing this.

It started when he mentioned his boyfriend and everything else about him. But, why? Oh well, another day comes and goes, he arrives once again. Yet, he's in tears and he gags a little at the horrible smell in the room. Possibly because I left the flower wither until I could throw it out. The blood and vomit still lingered in the air. "Did you kill someone?" He asked in between sobs. I shook my head and I motioned a gagging action. He nodded and continued to cry, I was concerned and asked what was wrong.

"My brother has the Hanahaki Disease and the person rudely rejected him! He won't listen to me about surgery! He might die!" He exclaimed or at least, that's what I heard from that day. I was curious about the disease so, I asked about it. "You get it when you get unrequited love. Flowers build up in your throat and you cough them out. The only for it go away is to get your romantic feelings accepted or get surgery and remove it along with your feelings. If you don't do it soon, you suffocate and die." He explained, crying loudly afterward.

That's when I realized everything. I was in love with him yet, I would never get accepted. He's already dating someone, how unfair. I did my best to comfort him, it was the least I could do. He happily accepted my comfort and reassurance. Soon enough, his fears, worries, and sadness went away. Yet, as soon as he left, those feelings went onto me as I started to once again throw up those Sunflower petals. It hurts so fucking much. I can't do it. Why can't he love me back? Why? Why did he have to date someone? Why?

About 3 months pass, he was happily engaged with his boyfriend. Yet the more he visited, the worse the disease got. I threw up more thorned-sunflowers with blood on them. I got weaker and sadder by the minute. Yes, this is what I get. For destroying my crush's life. Taking away his friends and family. For ruining everyone's lives that day. This is the punishment I get for falling in love with Gadget the Wolf. I go into another coughing fit, hopefully, my last. Yet, what would Gadget do once he saw my dead body when he came back? Who knows.

Those thoughts were interrupted as I soon couldn't breathe or gasp for air. My eyes slowly closed for the last time...

[A/N: Hope you enjoyed that angst fest, Aleboy101! Tbh, this was really fun to write and I now consider your request my favorite to have written! So, thank you.]

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