Wow, Just, Wow

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[A/N: This is a crackfic, I'm sorry for changing the tone, rookinitefan04. Also, this is in YOUR perspective, a first I know.]

"Alright, I'll be back. Just stay with Eggman if he needs anything." Infinite ordered. I nod quickly then, the jackal left as soon as I moved my head. Wait, what the fuck? How? I moved for like a second and he just leaves? Okay, I guess. Anyway, Infinite goes to check on the prisoners as always. The usual check-in and possibly threaten them if they attempt to escape. You know, the usual. I stay with Dr.Eggman and follow him as I keep him up to date with anything and help him with whatever he needs. It's boring as a servant but, like, I'm not trying to die out there. But, at the same, I might die because of Sonic and his friends trying to rescue one specific prisoner. "Hey, did you notice something different about Infinite, these days?" Eggman asks and I look up confused. "Like he always comes back late from the usual check-in with prisoners. I'm not sure why, though. It started ever since that Rookie from the Resistance got captured." Eggman explained, crossing his arms. "Perhaps, Infinite just wants to keep a good eye on Rookie. That wolf is a part of the Resistance after all. He can escape easily." I responded with my theory. A GAME THEORY. "Yes, well, I suppose so. Anyway, how am I doing with my plan?" He asked and I look down at the paper. My exceptions for this plan were low but, holy fuck! I showed him the paper on my clipboard and his face shifted into one of disappointment. "Wow, we haven't been hitting the ball lately, have we?" Eggman responded, grabbing the clipboard.

"I believe this curve of decline here may have happened because of how Infinite was defeated by Sonic that one time," I suggested, remembering back to that. Infinite came back with a broken nose and bloody mouth. Lmao, that jackal got decked real hard by a hedgehog. Either way, I still suffered since I had to help him heal. "That or perhaps, Infinite has been slow with our Army and training them," I added. Bitch was slower than a snail, somehow. "Other than that, we are at a very low point during this time..." I mumbled as I noticed the doctor grumbled.

"Okay, uh..." Dr.Eggman began to think. Which was a first! All of these plans sucked and failed because these two are idiots. "Call in, Infinite. It's almost lunch break and I need to talk with him." He replied, noticing the time. "Here's your lunch and Infinite's. Since he is in the prisoner's room, you'll find him there." He explained, shoving two lunch boxes into my arms. "Understood, Dr.Eggman!" I exclaimed and turned around. Once I went through the doors, I decided to check on what we were having today for lunch. I put both of the lunch boxes to check what was inside them.

"Salads! Seriously?" I exclaimed as I opened my lunchbox. Wow, okay, so... I'm revolted and disgusted. I dedicated my entire willingness to serve Dr.Eggman and Infinite and this is the thanks I get? "Eh, whatever, at least, Infinite suffers with me," I mumbled, rolling my eyes as closed the lid on my lunchbox. I slowly put the two on top of one another...wait, which one is first, Author Violet? Wait, shit, can't break the fourth wall. I put Infinite's lunchbox on top of mine so, he can be just as disappointed as I am in him.

Once the two lunchboxes are secured in my arms, I yeet myself over to the next room. The prisoner's room. I look around the place only to notice how much of a dump this place is. The walls were colorless. It smelled like garbage and sweat. Plus, the prisoners seemed to be wearing the same clothing as they did since they first arrived. Man, we do not take good care of our prisoners! "Did Infinite come in and check on you guys?" I asked a nearby prisoner. "He did enter but, he didn't bother taking the ever." The prisoner replied, pointing toward the clipboard holder.

"What does that mean?" I asked, noticing how dusty the clipboard is. "Ever since, you guys captured that wolf from the Resistance, he stopped checking on all of us. He just checks in on him only." The prisoner explained. Why do I have a bad feeling about this? "Right, well, I'm going to check on him now. Thank you." I replied, putting down the lunchboxes. I opened mine and gave half of my salad to the prisoner as a reward. Once I neared the door to the next room, someone grabbed my shoulder.

"Don't go in there! Horrors await you!" The prisoner exclaimed. "How do you know?" I asked, slightly shaken by the sudden action. "Because I hear them every day!" The prisoner exclaimed and backs away. "Hahaha, I'm in danger..." I mumbled as I opened the door. Once I close the door behind, my eyes widen at what I see. I see, Infinite holding up that Rookie against the wall with his junk in that wolf. "Are you guys fucking?" I asked, a blush appearing on my face. Infinite and Rookie look at one another for a moment and then at me.

"Uh, I can explain..." Infinite mumbled. "Really? Right in front of my salad?" I exclaimed, dropping the two lunchboxes. "Man, Infinite, you really have hit a low if you are here fucking your boyfriend in public," I spoke, crossing my arms. "Shut up!" Infinite yells out. I nod slowly and pick up the two lunchboxes. "But, I guess you do you. I ain't here to kink shame. So bye!" I exclaimed, opening the door. But, before I could leave, I got an idea and a smirk appeared on my face. "Also...I'm snitching on you, Infinite. Okay, bye!" I exclaimed before closing the door behind me and running.

"You bitch!" Infinite yelled out in response, probably with his junk still in that confused wolf.

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