Picnic At The Beach

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[A/N: Just a fluffy one-shot request by - rookinitefan04]

-3rd Person-

Infinite held Gadget's hand as he lends the red wolf to a spot on the beach. You see, Sonic and friends have decided to get away from it all and chose to have a vacation. They invited Infinite and Gadget over who accepted nevertheless. So far, it was going excellent and no one called for the heroes to rescue them. But, that was mostly because of Gadget's brother Gears who decided to stay back and help out anyone in need. Which Sonic owns his one of that. "Where are we going, Infy?" Gadget asked. "Well, I thought we could have time to ourselves so, yeah." Infinite replied, hiding a blush that dared to appear. You see, both of them have begun dating recently but, they haven't done any lovey-dovey stuff couples would do. And Infinite wanted to change that especially knowing Gadget who was in constant need for affection. "Wow! This look so beautiful!" The Red Wolf exclaimed as he pointed toward the horizon. The Jackal looked in his direction and mentally agreed with his boyfriend. The spot was perfect than the spot he had chosen. The water glistened as the sun hit it perfectly. The shores sounded equally beautiful and there wasn't too much wind. As an extra bonus, there was shade from a nearby palm tree to cover them from the sun. "Let's sit here and I'll tell you why we're here." Infinite spoke as Gadget pulled out a blanket for them to sit on. As they both sat down, they both intently stared at each. "So, I noticed we haven't been doing too well in regards to our relationship. And so, I thought a date would fix that right up!" Infinite explained as he pulled out a basket.

"A picnic! Really? How sweet!" Gadget exclaimed as he looked inside the basket. It contained one dish which was a fruit salad with sour cream and a plastic drink holder of coconut juice. For dessert was chocolate cake. "Wow, these all look so good! My mouth is basically watering!" Gadget exclaimed once again as he was handed a fork. "Thanks, Amy helped me make it." Infinite replied, cooing at the wolf's cuteness. Amy was very helpful during the start of the relationship. Giving advice and helping Infinite if he had any relationship problems. He was lucky to have a friend like her.

As the two eat, Infinite can help but, stare at his lover. Nothing can compete with the beauty he was witnessing at that moment in time. Not even the glistening of the waters. He just couldn't believe he was dating someone as sweet and beautiful as Gadget. "What are you staring at me for?" The Wolf asked, giggling a bit. "Sorry, it's just..." The Jackal stopped himself for a moment. "I can't stop thinking about how beautiful you are and how lucky I am to date you." Infinite spoke again, blushing intensely. Gadget's eyes widen in surprise as he looked away.

This was the first they have ever complimented one another like this. The Wolf couldn't help but, blush and smile like a dork at the compliment. "Thank you, I could say the same about you too. Honestly, I didn't expect for me to date someone as handsome and strong as you." Gadget replied, winking. Infinite was suddenly taken back from the compliment as he blushed the color of a tomato. "Gosh, we're such panicked gays." He exclaimed as they both began laughing. They soon realized that they both finished the fruit salad.

They got out their slice of the chocolate cake and looked at one another. They smiled at each other with such love and happiness. They never expected to date each other. Complete opposites to say the least but, they just attracted toward one another. They both leaned in closely, their faces only inches apart. Until it finally closed as they shared their first kiss. The kiss was full of love they had for one another and happiness they both wished on each other. The desire to never separate and stick together was already explained in that kiss. They pulled away from the kiss after a minute or two.

Infinite blushed intensely and looked away. Gadget smiled as he blushed intensely. "I love you, Infy." Gadget spoke, being the first one to use the word "love". Infinite looked back to see Gadget with his smile and his blush as he smiled as well. "I love you too, Wolfie." Infinite replied, taking the other's hand into his. They both continued to eat the slice with a smile on their face. They never let go of the hand-holding as they ate in complete silence which wasn't as awkward as it used to be.

Knowing that they will always be together.

[A/N: The reason I don't do honeymoons/marriage one-shots is due to a timeline I have working. Hope you understand and have a great day/night!]

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