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[A/N: Requests are opened! Here you go, varient87]

3rd Person Pov:
Angels and demons. Two different entities with different jobs and different reactions. One is loved while the other is feared. Well, I suppose it depends on the person. Nonetheless, angels lived among the great clouds of the vast sky. And demons lived in the deepest and darkest parts of the Earth. Just waiting to drag another person to hell as angels waited to guide another person to heaven. Yes, different entities, jobs, and reactions. "Ugh, I hate demons!" Sonic exclaimed, sticking out his tongue afterward. "Those guys are the worst! They have no sympathy nor heart!" Sonic exclaimed. Gadget laughed slightly as he continued to look at the blue angel's mimics of a demon. "But, seriously, I'm glad we can be safe up here in the clouds than down there," Sonic spoke, pointing downwards. He pointed toward the Earth and how unlucky it was to live under hell. "Poor humans...I hope they can arrive in Heaven when the time comes for them." Sonic explained, crossing his arms as he shook his head. Gadget smiled and nodded slightly as he looked downwards at the Earth. "So, I take that as a 'yes, I dislike demons'?" Gadget questioned, taking out his notepad and pencil. "Huh? Oh, yes, definitely." Sonic replied, nodding quickly. "Mhm, got it! Thank you!" Gadget exclaimed before running off. The angel ran and jumped into the sky as his wings flapped opened and closed. He was in the air and he began to fly toward the library for more answers. He needed to know more about Demons' and Angels' relationships. Was there a time where they lived in harmony? Or were they both really created to hate one another? Gadget needed and wanted to know so badly.

He needed to prove his boyfriend wrong. The angel softly landed in front of the entrance of the library. He soon walked inside and immediately went toward the history books. Gadget scanned each book of the library to find one where it talked about the history of Demons and Angels. "! Nevermind..." Gadget mumbled as he read each title of the books. "Come on, don't fail me now, library!" Gadget whispered as he continued to search through the bookshelves. Yet, nothing popped up. Nothing even mentioned the word 'demon' itself. Gadget sighed and walked around the library to find an angel librarian.

"Excuse me!" Gadget spoke as he saw a librarian. "Yes? Oh, hi, Gadget." The librarian replied, waving. "Tails, I didn't know you worked here." Gadget spoke, surprised. "Well, I love the library so, working here was even better! Anyway, I'm on duty so, what do you need, pal?" Tails asked, smiling. "Is there anything in the library about d-" Gadget was stopped mid-way by Tails. The yellow angel had put a hand over the red angel's mouth before he could say that last part. Are they that scared? How unhelpful. Gadget noticed Tails' smile went away as soon as he said the first letter of the word.

"Gadget, you mustn't say that word! We shall get in trouble if we do." Tails spoke, panicking slightly. "I've said that word many times, Tails. I do not see the problem." Gadget replied, removing Tails' hand. "Either way, speaking of those entities is prohibited here. Which is why we have no books or studies on those entities!" Tails explained, his shoulders tensed. Tails was always scared of Demons yet, Gadget didn't understand why. Sonic was always hateful toward Demons and Gadget didn't see why. Why be scared and hateful toward entities that you barely see.

"But, why? I must do research!" Gadget exclaimed, desperately. "Gadget, you know why. Angels are best left without that knowledge and I'm sure it is for the best." Tails explained, sternly. The yellow angel looked around and noticed all the stares they received during the conversation. "Now, please, leave, Gadget. You are disturbing other people here in the library." Tails ordered, looking away from those stares and back at Gadget. The red angel groaned slightly and quickly flew out of the library. Everyone is so useless when it comes to Demons.

Gadget sighs deeply in annoyance and runs toward the end of the clouds. He looks around him to see if anyone is there to stop him. The red angel looks down and his wings are stretched out as he slowly falls down from the cloud's edge. Gadget closes his eyes for a moment as he feels the wind in his face. He opens his eyes quickly as he starts to fly before landing in the ocean. The red angel looks down as he tries to find the entrance to the home of Demons. "Ah! There it is!" Gadget exclaimed and immediately flew through the entrance.

He flew behind many structures to avoid being seen by demons and getting in trouble. "Where is that castle?" Gadget asked, softly. He looked all around the kingdom until he looked up to see he was already heading toward it. "Shoot!" Gadget tried to stop himself from flying into the castle. He managed to stop in time as he landed on top of a balcony. Gadget knocked on the door and soon he was greeted by a demon. "Hello, Prince..." Gadget mumbled, bowing down slightly. "I told you to stop doing that, angel." The demon spoke, laughing afterward.

"I like teasing you!" Gadget exclaimed, entering the castle. "Yes, well, why are you here, love?" The demon asked. Gadget stopped for a moment as he heard that pet name. He'll never get tired of it. "You won the challenge, Ira..." Gadget sighed out as he gave the demon before him a kiss. "Yes! I told you so!" Ira exclaimed, blushing. "Sadly so, I wish people were accepting of both entities." Gadget spoke, crossing his arms. "Oh, love, either way, I am happy to be with you!" Ira exclaimed, holding Gadget close to him. A demon and angel dating?

Surprising but, not disappointing.

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