Nightflyer: Air, how come all the angel in Supernatural have such....unique names?
Air: What do you mean?
Nightflyer: Like, they have weird names. Samandriel, Castiel, Gadreel, Hael-
Seashell: Yeah, why dont they have common names?
Air: Well, there's Anna, and Hannah, and Gabriel...
Seashekl: Yeah, but why not have an angel named Bob or so-
Other hosts: NO NONONONONO NO!!!!
Rainkeeper: Angel Bob!?!? NO!
Nightflyer: NOBODY BLINK.
Air: That's the name of a weeping angel *shudders*
Seashell:.....Am I missing something or...
Joy: How have you not been murdered yet?
Seashell: Well I've been blinded with a mug. *glares at Air*
Air: In my opinion, you deserved a worse punishment.
Joy: Well, let's move on and never talk about Doctor Who related creatures again, shall we?
Nightflyer: Deal.
*players appear*
Hosts: *have calmed slightly*
Joy: Soooooo
Rainkeeper: WHO'S READY TO PLAY JUMANJI!!!!!!?!?!
Clay: Uh.....
Glory: What?
Joy: Jumanji! The most horrifying board game since Sorry!
Nightflyer: If we EVER play Sorry, I will kill you all.
Joy: Nightflyer, that is the LITERAL POINT of Sorry. It's to MURDER YOUR OPPONENTS.
Seashell: No it's not.
Air: The you obviously have never played Sorry.
Rainkeeper: Jumanji is also a FABULOUS movie- THE ORIGINAL IS. NOT THE SHITTY REMAKE.
Air: Every remake is awful. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Annie, Jumanji, etc.
Seashell: But the Disney Live-action films have been pretty good so far. DON'T MESS IT UP, DISNEY.
Nightflyer: Did you know Disney owns Fox Network now?
Joy: They do?
Nightflyer: Yep.
Rainkeeper: ANYWAYS! We're all going to sit around, and play the game.
Deathbringer: Okay.
Air: And hope no one gets stuck in the Jungle for thirty years.
Sunny: Wait what?
Joy: *sets up game*
Seashell: Anyone care to read the warning?
All: *stares at Starflight*
Starflight: A game for those to seek to find a way to leave their world behind. This game pursues you....
Nightflyer: Literally.
Joy: Clay, you go first.
Clay: Why me?

Truth Or Dare With The DOD and JW Book 2
FanficBook 2 of my T or D series! Submit a dare for anyone in the Wings of Fire series! This game is hosted by -Joy, the younger, more murderous Glorybringer dragonet who has her own squad and likes weapons. Feel free to sign up for it! -Air, eldest child...