Nightflyer: Boys and girls of every age, Wouldn't you like to see something strange?
Rainkeeper: Come with us and you will see, This, our town of Halloween.
Hosts: This is Halloween, this is Halloween!
Air: Pumpkins scream in the dead of night
Joy: This is Halloween, everybody make a scene
Trick or treat till the neighbors gonna die of frightSeashell: It's our town, everybody scream!
Hosts: In this town of Halloween!!
*players appear*
Air: It's the one day of the year the SPN fandom seems sane!!!
Rainkeeper: Air, yesterday you were going off an rant on how dropping your pants and yelling PUDDING could get you out of any awkward situation, and when Seashell objected, you said her teddy bear committed suicide.
Air:......It's the day of the year when the SPN fandom is MOSTLY sane.
Nightflyer: Oh Thursdays we're Teddy bear doctors.
Glory: Somehow, these are our children.
Fatespeaker:........What have we created?
Clay: I'm not sure.....
Peril: I'm proud.
Riptide: I'm afraid.
Joy: Oh, you should be afraid, seeing as we're playing a VERY scary game.
Deathbringer: Oh boy what game?!
Hosts: *in unison* Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board.
Deathbringer: Ooooooo, sounds cult-y
Joy: Something like that.
Starflight: I've never heard of it.
Sunny: Of course you haven't. You're Starflight.
Clay: I don't know it.
Glory: I do.
Riptide: No idea.
Tsunami: Not this game again!
Deathbringer: WHY DO ALL THE GIRLS KNOW IT?!!?
Glory: Hey, I don't ask where you sneak off to during thunderstorms, and YOU don't ask what I do at sleepovers with Tsunami, Fatespeaker, Sunny, and Peril.
Deathbringer:......I'm so gonna break into your sleepover now.
Tsunami: Do it and die.
Deathbringer: Challenge accepted.
Seashell: ANYWAYS,
Rainkeeper: For those who don't know, Light As a Feather, Stiff as a Board is a game where one person lies down and everyone else surrounds them, and one person makes up an elaborate story about how that person is going to die, and then everyone chants "Light as a feather, stiff as a board" and raises the person up using nothing but their fingertips.
Joy: It's also a great book, you should check it out.
Air: The entire time while I was reading it, it didn't stop raining.
Seashell: So?
Air: It took me two weeks to read it.
Seashell: Oh.
Nightflyer: Now, who wants to go first?
Sunny: ME!
Nightflyer: And who wants to tell the stor-
Joy: Move aside bitches, it's my time to shine.
All: *gathers around Sunny*
Joy: *places her talons on Sunny's temples*
Sunny: This is so creepy!
Joy: Let's see.....Sunny.....
Joy: Sunny was on her way to JMA to visit Stonemover. But, on her way there, a storm started up, so she was forced to stop and rest for the night. And just as she landed, three strange dragons appeared out of nowhere and attacked her. Outnumbered and without a weapon, little Sunny was defenseless against them, and all she could do was scream as they tore her apart, limb for limb. Two days later, Dinner showed up in Stonemover's cave, and dropped Sunny's disfigured head on the floor. Her head may have been gone, but the rest of Sunny's body lay on the ground outside, where it was light as a feather, stiff as a board.
All: Light as a feather, Stiff as a board.
All: *starts to raise Sunny up with just their fingertips*
Sunny: *bolts away*
Joy: *grins wickedly*
Joy: Scared, Potter?
Nightflyer: You wish.
Rainkeeper: Who's next?
Deathbringer: Eh, why not? *lies down*
Joy: Deathbringer, hmmm......
Joy: Deathbringer, as always, was guarding his beloved Queen.
Glory: *grins*
Joy: The two were flying back to the rainforest together, and a storm gathered unexpectedly around them. Deathbringer suggested that they should land, but Glory disagreed, insisting that they could make it to the rainforest before the storm got too bad. But just as they turned to keep flying, a bolt of lightning struck, headed right for Glory. Deathbringer shoved her out of the way, the lightning striking him and burning him alive from the inside out. Deathbringer's body dropped to the ground, light as a feather, stiff as a board.
All: Light as a feather, Stiff as a board. *slowly raises Deathbringer up*
Glory: NOPE!
Deathbringer: *drops to the floor and tries not to cry*
Deathbringer: I don't want to play this game anymore.....
Rainkeeper: Nice job Joy, you managed to traumatize our Dad.
Joy: Eh. WORTH IT.
Seashell: WOW, this part is long.
Nightflyer: In that case.....
Air: What's everyone dressing up as? I'm gonna be Crowley.
Nightflyer: I'm going as Shakespeare.
Joy: Deadpool.
Seashell: A Southside Serpent.
Rainkeeper: Paint.
Joy: *screeches and fall down, laughing*
Joy: FEYSAND. *squeaks*
All: *backs away as Joy continues to freak out over Feysand and paint*
*Several hours later*
Dinner: *drops Sunny's decapitated head on the floor*
Hosts: Light as a feather, Stiff as a board......

Truth Or Dare With The DOD and JW Book 2
FanfictionBook 2 of my T or D series! Submit a dare for anyone in the Wings of Fire series! This game is hosted by -Joy, the younger, more murderous Glorybringer dragonet who has her own squad and likes weapons. Feel free to sign up for it! -Air, eldest child...