Magical Gay Powers (J.W.)

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Air: *is curled up in a small ball on the floor*

Air: *whimpers*

Kelp:......Is she okay?

Joy: Yeah, she'll be fine.

Nightflyer: *gives Air a cup of hot chocolate*

Nightflyer: We do this every week, she'll recover.

Kelp: What happened?

Joy: Supernatural had a new episode.

Nightflyer: It was a particularly emotionally traumatizing one.

Kelp: Oh.

Joy: You'll get used to it after awhile.

Rainkeeper: Just don't badmouth the gay angels and you'll be fine.

Kelp:....There are gay angels?


Joy: You're in for a rude awakening, buddy.

*players appear*

Kinkajou: Hi!

Carnelian: Why.


Umber: Wait, why. WHY am I being singled out, this is not good.

Moon: It was nice knowing ya, pal.

Winter: Good luck.

Seashell: I hereby grant you MAGIC POWERS! *snaps talons*


Umber: Do I actually have magic powers?

Rainkeeper: No, but for the next three dares, you have the ability to make anyone gay.

Umber:......ARE YOU SERIOUS?

Nightflyer: Serious as people are about calling purple the color violet.

Air: Siriusly serious.

Kelp: Dead serious.

Joy: Dead Sirius. 

Kelp: Too far.

Nightflyer: Mofo, I will kill you.

Joy: I'd like to see you try.



Qibli: RUN.

Moon: *is already running*

Umber: *maniacally laughter*

Umber: *claps Carnelian on the shoulder*

Umber: Hey, Neil-ian. I need you to go be gay and find a pretty girlfriend, okay?

Carnelian: NO.

Umber: Yes. 

Carnelian: NEVER.

Umber: Just embrace the rainbow, okay sweetheart?

Carnelian:.........Dammit, his stupid powers work.

Kinkajou: Are we sure about that?

Turtle: We should test it.

Moon: *shoves Qibli in front of Carnelian*

Moon: Do you find him cute?

Carnelian: No.

Moon: Do you find me cute?

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