Wheel Of Scavengers (Both)

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Rainkeeper: Okay, what's the first thing that pops into your head when I say.......Crossfire?

Joy: The last time I had a paintball war with Kelp. So many civilians were caught in the crossfire....

Nightflyer: Ariana Dumbledore, the poor child.

Air: Stevie Ray Vaughan.

Seashell: That song called "Crossfire" by the band I don't remember.

Rainkeeper:......Well that was.... varied.

*players appear*

Deathbringer: Sup peeps?

Glory:....Never say that again.

Kinkajou: Did you know they make spicy Skittles?

Umber: Of course- even the rainbow gets hot sometimes.

Turtle: Wow.

Umber: They gotta have spicy Skittles to keep up with the heat of the rainbow.

Air: Heat of the rainbow? Heat of the moment? TUESDAY!?!?!??!?!?

Nightflyer: *facetalons*

Peril: So, what are we doing today?

Rainkeeper: An AWESOME idea that involves.....

Seashell: *reveals the Wheel*

Players: *screams*



Joy: Not this time.

Winter: That is not comforting.

Nightflyer: We're partnering you all up, so SPIN THE WHEEL TO GET YOUR PARTNER!

Air: Clay, you start.

Clay: Okaaaaay *spins*

*Wheel lands on Turtle*


Turtle: This should be interesting.

*everyone spins*

Peril: Riptide.

Riptide: I can work with that.

Tsunami: Kinkajou.

Kinkajou: Uh oh.

Glory: Sunny.

Sunny: HELL YEAH! C'mere sister!

Glory: You're so weird.

Deathbringer: Moon.

Moon: Oh....okay.

Starflight: Carnelian.


Qibli: Umber.

Umber: YES.

Seashell: And that means Winter and Fatespeaker are also together.

Winter: ugh.

Fatespeaker: *sighs*

Glory: So, what are we doing now?

Nightflyer: *unveils another wheel*

Players: *groans*

Rainkeeper: Now we can explain the dare!

Air: One Dragon in each pair is going to be turned into a scavenger, and their partner MUST take care of them for Six1 whole dares!

Starflight: Six1?

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